
Eli's second entry in the competition is today. Pay Homage To Someone You Look Up To. A very long title for a theme, but I have no doubt that Eli will smash it.

I'm just wondering who she'll pay homage to. I know it won't be me, I have nothing to pay homage to, but the baby. But that's it.

"You okay, Chanse?" Kate asked, throwing her arm around my shoulder, "You look a bit tired."

The truth is that I am tired. I was up at two o'clock this morning because I couldn't sleep, then at six o'clock I threw up and then at eight o'clock, I threw up all of my breakfast. I'm tired, I'm hungry and I'm thirsty.

"It's not even been three months and this pregnancy is kicking my ass." I huff, rubbing my eyes.

"Morning sickness that bad, eh?"

"How did you manage?" I beg her for tips.

"When I was pregnant with Billie and Danny, the morning sickness was really bad. There were two things that I did that could've helped it, but they both happened at the same time so I'm not sure which one it was." Kate explains.

"Please, tell. I'll do them both."

"Listening to Christina sing and eating toast with banana and jam. Tina would sing me a song when I woke up and took me to the kitchen while making my breakfast. Try it out. It might work." she shrugged.

"Do I listen to Christina sing or Eli?"

"I'd say Eli so then the baby gets used to their Mama's voice."

"Okay." I nod as the lights go dim, ready for Alabama's, Samuel Daniels, performance. He paid homage to Blake Shelton. And I feel that's very stereotypical.

The person from Arizona paid homage to Adam Lambert. They had a great voice and sounded very much like Adam Lambert. They were even dresses like he was in the music video in If I Had You. When they got to the chorus, Eli appeared on stage and sung a higher harmony with them, matching their energy and jumping around with excitement. The judges had a lit panel so I looked back and they were enjoying themselves, smiles on their faces and everything.

Soon, their song came to an end and Eli walked off stage with them, slinging an arm around them. They seemed pretty comfortable with each other and I'm wondering if Eli has made a new friend. That'd make me so happy if she did. It's not everyday that Eli makes a friend.


They decided to do an intermission before Eli's performance. There were lots of restless babies and children, and yet, none of them were any of the RogerMont kids. They're all just too good. Besides, it was hot and stuffy in that theatre. I'm glad to catch a break.

And that's sort of lucky since Eli's set is just under twenty minutes. I don't think I'd have made it. The guy behind me reeked of beer and body odour. It was disgusting. I hope he airs out a little during the intermission. It makes my already queasy stomach worse.

I pass Apollo and Billie, they seemed to be having a great conversation until Apollo called for me.

"Yes?" I grin as I approach the blondes.

Apollo leaned down to whisper in my ear, "When are you going to tell the others?"

"I'd have to speak to Eli." I nod to her. She nods her head, kisses my temple and goes back to speaking with Billie.

I move through the RogerMonts until Kate stops me.

"Hiya, Chansey. How are you doing? Your Mammy called. She wanted to check in on you." she chirped with a look in her eyes that asked, 'did you tell her?'

No, I haven't told my Mom. I've kept regular contact with her but I can't tell her over text. She deserves at least a facetime. I know that she won't be upset. She'll be confused, for sure, but not upset. Damien, however, is another question. And I'm worried that she'll suggest an abortion and that's not something I want.

"I'll give her a call later." I told Kate. She nodded and gave me a hug.

"I love you, Chanse." she said to me, and kissed my head.

"I love you, too, Kate."

She gave me one last squeeze before leaving me be. I decided to get a drink and a snack from the vending machine. It fell to the door thing and I bent down to pick it up.

"Oh my God. Chanse?" a voice called. I turned around and the person from Arizona was there, still in costume and full makeup.

"Um, hi." I replied, getting up slowly.

"You don't know me. But I'm the Adam Lambert guy from Arizona. Uh, Eliza and I have gotten close these past two weeks. She talks about you and the baby all the time." he explained.

"Oh, Eli came and sang with you today, right?"

"That's me. It's definitely a different performance than last week but there's a different set of people for each category, so..."

"You sound a lot like Adam Lambert." I point out.

"Yeah, my Mom loved him back in the day. But then she passed and I thought I'd do her a favour."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

That reminded me of my Grandma. Mom had texted and told me that the funeral was in March. And I still need to tell her about her own grandchild.

"It was a few months ago, I'll be okay. I wasn't doing so hot but then I met Eliza. She's really helped me."

"She's good like that. I am truly blessed to have her in my life." I smile. I love her so much.

"You're gonna love her set. I'm actually gonna watch it. She got a seat saved for me so I could. L1, I believe." he said.

"That's next to me! I'm sat in L2."

"Fantastic. I'm Blaine, by the way. Yes, my mom named me after a Glee character."

"It's okay, my Mom named me after a Smosh member." I shrug.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one with obsessed parents. We should probably. Go back in now. Eliza will perform soon."

"Yeah. I hope that guy put on some deodorant." I mumble.

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