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Eliza has been ignoring me for the last few days. She told me not to worry about Halloween, she said that Apollo wanted to spend time with her kids and that I should enjoy it with my family. I did go to her house on Halloween but no one was in.

That day that she had got me the cats, she wasn't okay. I could see that. And when she had left without anyone's knowledge, I was upset. She's avoiding me in school. Only goes to homeroom to get her morning mark but leaves straight after.

Not a look in my direction, not a smile or a good morning.

I never see her at break and lunch. Phoenix and Gemma are back on good terms but now Eli and aren't good. Why can't anything in this friend group be straight forward?

I'm just worried that she's not going to want to say goodbye to me before she leaves for Wales. She's going to be gone for a whole month.

"Where's Eli?" Gemma asked.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Are you guys not on good terms?" Pheonix questions.

"I don't know." I repeat. "She's being ignoring me for a while."

"She hasn't told you what she's doing?" Pheonix quizzed. What's with all of these questions today?

"No. Why?"

"You do realise that she has to plan everything for this competition in January. She asked me and Gemma to get involved." Pheonix explained.

"She did?" Gemma asked.

"Yeah, I meant to pass the message onto you. I guess I forgot."

"I'm glad she's keeping in touch then." I drawl sarcastically.

"She's just stressed, okay? Please, don't take it personally."

"But she's avoiding me!" I move my hands about in a very vigorous manner.

"And she feels horrible about it. But she needs space. I get that she could of told you that herself. But she needs space."

"How come you know all of this, babe?" Gemma inquired, I nod in agreement to the question.

"Like I said, I've been helping her out with a lot of stuff."


I get home and take the cats outside. I refuse to have a litter tray in the house because then it'll just stink.

Once they do their business, they follow me back inside and up to my room. Teddy curls up on my chest when I get into my bed and Iris settles by my waist.

I mentally say, "Fuck it," and pull out my phone to call Eli.

She picks up, to my surprise, and answers with a very tired, "Hello?"

I don't think she hacked the ID so I sigh before speaking, "Hey, you. I've been worried about you."

"Oh, I'm sorry." she says.

"Why are you sorry?"

"I didn't mean to worry you. And I'm sorry for not talking to you lately. I'm just so stressed with the competition and season two. It's just a lot going on." she confesses.

"Season two? What do you mean?"

"Shit. I wasn't supposed to say that."

Season two? What? I am so confused right now.

"Eli, what do you mean. You're confusing me."

"I know. I guess I have to come clean now."

"Did you do something?"

She sighs on the other end, "Not exactly. Um... What I meant by season two was the second season of Joey's Apocalyptic Diary. I have most of it done, just a few more melodies I need to compose and then it should be good for January."

Wait... What? Is she saying that she is the Creator? But I thought that she was a fan. Sure, not as enthusiastic as Gemma and I, but a fan nonetheless.

"Are you okay?" she asked after a while. Probably due to my silence.

"You're the Creator?"

"Yeah. Surprise!" she laughed awkwardly.

"Am I the first to know?"


"I thought you were a fan." I trail off.

"I know, I'm sorry. I wanted to stay anonymous. Please don't tell anybody."

"I won't."

It all makes sense now. I love the sound of Joey's voice, Eliza's voice. Joey is like the animated version of her, personality wise, that is.

That time I walked in on Eli drawing. And she got all defensive and said that it wasn't fanart. Because it wasn't. It was the real thing. Why she always looks back through the episodes. Why she's always interested to hear my opinion on it.

It was all her.

It makes so much sense.

"I won't lie though. It feels good to say it to you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just processing."


As I sit there and stare at my ceiling, I wonder if that's why she's been avoiding me. She needed to get stuff done in time for January, and before she goes away, which is in a week. She leaves in a week. I wanted to spend so much time with her before she left and I was just being too clingy when she has things to do. The very thing I am waiting for. And if I want it in time for the due date, I'd have to leave her alone.

"Is that why you've been avoiding me?" I question.

"Partially. This competition has me beat. And then we're going away soon and I want to see you but then I needed to get stuff for Joey's Apocalyptic Diary. And I'm sorry if this sounds offensive or harsh, but you were something that I could miss out on at the moment."

I understand that. I'm not hurt or offended. She knows that I'll be here after January. She knows that I'm gonna be with her because I love her, and she loves me. She knows that we're not gonna let go of each other that easily.

"I understand." I nod, even though she can't see me.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you, too." I smile.

"You wanna come over and hear some of the music?"

"I'd love to come over, but I don't want to hear the music. Spoilers."

"Okay. Bring the babies?"

"Of course."

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now