
As I ran to my car, having no clue what is going on at home, the sudden realisation hit me.

I am so fucking rude. I left without saying goodbye or thank you to Chanse's family. They must think I'm a bitch.

I turn the car on, and tried to navigate my way out of Chanse's neighbourhood but couldn't. I am so lost right now.

I drive past all sorts of large and extravagant properties. Eventually, twenty minutes go by and I'm surrounded by nothing but fields. Why didn't I just use my phone?

I roll up next to a gate. There was a FOR SALE sign. I could just see onto the property and it was a decently sized house about a quarter mile in. What seemed like acres of fields seemed to be all around it. It looks amazing. Like a perfect place for me to live. It's out of the way, not around any people and lots of space.

I find my phone and take a photo of the sign and the gate. I'll look the house up later on the real estate website.

Finally, I used my phone to get back home. As I drive down the highway, I realise just how far Chanse drives to come and see me. Which makes me love her even more.

I smile as Without Love from Hairspray blasts through my speakers. It makes me think of my love for Chanse. I really do love the girl.

I'm gonna miss her when I go to Wales. I'm gonna be gone for four weeks and I'll be back just before New Years. My parents are gonna take me out of school early. That's a long time to be away from Chanse. I'll miss her so much. Our last day together will be Friday the thirtieth of November, unless she visits on the Saturday. We leave on the Sunday and come back on the twenty-nineth of December, which is a Saturday.

But, I don't have to think about that right now, because it's not even Halloween yet. Gasp, Chanse and I could do a couple's costume this year. That would be so cute. We could be Pain and Panic from Hercules. We both love the film and they're my favourite duo. Or we could be Santana and Brittany from Glee.

I must've zoned out for a while because before I knew it, I was pulling into our driveway and was rushing inside. Mama said it was urgent.

I open the front door and I can hear my Mom's cries.

"She's dead and it's all my fault! I didn't look after her! I didn't protect her. I'm so sorry, Eli." she sobbed.

"Kate, she's not dead. She's on her way home." Mama reasoned.

"She's dead and it's my fault."

The cries were coming from my room.

Mom thinks I'm dead?

"What's going on?" I ask as I reach my bedroom door. Mom was crying and hyperventilating on the floor beside my bed, clutching Talullah in her hands, holding her close to her chest.

"Your Mom had a dream where you had died and when she woke up and you weren't here, she believed it was real. But it's not, because look who's here, darling." Mama explained, holding my Mom.

Mom's red eyes glanced up at locked into me. I immediately rushed forward and took over from Mama, holding her and assuring her that I was alive and that I was okay.

"I'm here, Mommy," it's a comfort thing when we call her that, "I'm okay. I am just fine. See?"

Mom pulled back and took shaky breaths, "I though I lost you, Eli." she said as she wiped her tears with her thumbs, but more fall from her eyes.

"Hey, shh. I'm not going anywhere. I'm here." I took her face into my hands and wiped the newly fallen tears with my thumbs, "Breathe."

I make exaggerated breathing patterns for her to follow and she copies me until she stops crying.

"That's it, Mommy. Breathe." I play with her hair as she relaxes in my arms. "I'm still here. I'm still your little girl. Your little Eli. I am fine. Unharmed. Healthy. Happy. I am okay. And so are you."

"I'm so happy you're alive. I love you." she whispers.

"I love you, too. I'll never stop loving you. Neither will Mama or any of my sisters. And they'll love you forever, too."

"I love them all. So much. I'm sorry for freaking out. I was just so scared."

"It's okay, Mom. I understand." I assure her as I hold her. After a little silence, I decide to suggest that we move, "You wanna cuddle somewhere else?"

"Yeah. Let's go to the couch." she nodded.

"Okay," I stand up and pick my Mom up to carry her to the couch. Mama was in the kitchen, making some coffees. I set my Mom down and sit next to her, allowing us to cuddle again. She holds me tightly and I hold her.

Mama set our coffees on the coffee table in front of us and sat on my other side and joined in on the cuddle.

"My babies." she sighed and kissed my head.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now