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We quickly find our seats, this time, Blaine takes the empty seat next to me. We chat back and forth while we wait for the intermission end. It doesn't smell as bad as it did earlier so I'm hoping that guy had sorted himself out.

Eventually, the lights dim and the crowd goes silent. A picture shows up on the screen, and it's Christina. I think that's who Eli will pay homage to.

The intro to Waving Through A Window plays. I hear Christina gasp and I smile at how she sweet she is.

The big screen at the front then fades out and a new video is show. It's Eli, sat among the crowd. The spotlight finds her when she starts singing, and she's in the next section over, and a little further back. She's really playing the part of Evan Hansen, she appears nervous and awkward. And her voice is just, ugh, so wonderful.

When the second verse came, she got up and followed the camera. She gradually made her way to the front, showing her passion for singing in her body language as she edges her way to the front. She never goes up on the stage though. She sings the crowd, on the floor level, just below the stage.

She does a little waving action everytime she sings, "I'm waving through a window." It's cute and I find myself wanting to wave back.

Her voice is so beautiful. I do cry a little but and she hasn't really got to the emotional bit yet. I have no doubt that she'll win over the judge panels hearts, sorry Blaine. She's just too awesome to not like.

And what impresses me the most is that she doesn't ever have to go up the octave to sing the low bits. She's able to do it in the original pitches. I think she gets her wide vocal range from Christina.

She finally gets to the emotional bit, "When you're falling in a forest and there's nobody around," that bit. On the screen, we see a video of Christina doing the exact same thing as Eli, or Eli is doing what Christina did. The same movements, facial expressions, body language, same everything. It's very cute.

When the song ends, everyone cheers so loud for Eli, and I feel so proud. She gets a standing ovation but I know she's not done yet.


I left the theatre sobbing. She makes me so emotional and that mixed with the pregnancy hormones was just a perfect recipe for a bawl.

Blaine left the theatre with me, holding his arm around my shoulder and comforting me. And directing me since the tears make it impossible to see where I'm going. People congratulate him as we walk passed.

"Eli said to wait here for her." Blaine said as we reached the lobby of the theatre.

"Oh God, I didn't think I could ever cry so much." I laugh-cry.

"Do you need a drink? I'll get you one from the vending machine. I'll get you a drink." Blaine decided, but before I could protest, he's already buying me a water.

"Thanks," I nod as he hands it to me. My throat was burning and I had a headache so the water was truly a blessing. It wasn't long until we saw Eli making her way through the crowd, I passed the bottle to Blaine, "Hold this," before meeting Eli halfway and kissing her.

I held her close and enjoyed where she touched me. Even though it was just my hips. I felt how much love she had for me.

"Hi," she breathed as she pulled away.

"Hi," I smile up at her, gently touching our noses.

"I missed you. So much."

"I missed you, too. We missed you." I say.

"How are you? How's the baby?" she asked, her hands trailing around my waist to rub my stomach.

"We're fine. Tired, but fine. Morning sickness is kicking my butt." I groan as I lean my head in her shoulder.

"I'll come sleep with you tonight." Eli stated.

"I thought it wasn't allowed?" I look back up and into her eyes.

"Baby, I don't care. I need you." she said.

"I need you, too. But I don't want you getting into trouble." I pout.

"I won't. They don't keep trackers on us." she smiled.

"Okay. I look forward to it." I nod, "Oh, I love you so much." I lean my head back on her shoulder and squeeze her close to me.

"I love you, too." she replied, kissing my head.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now