
It's been a few weeks since I stayed at Eliza's. I had so much fun and spending all that time with her only confirmed my liking to her. Romantically.

No one knows, apart from Kate. I told her a few days ago that I am definitely into Eli. We've been having a lot more sleep overs lately, Eliza said she doesn't want to be alone. She's adorable.

I've decided that I'm going to consult Gemma. I don't know what to do. Have we been friends for long enough? Has Eliza adjusted well enough to social life?

I knocked on Gemma's door and she answered almost immediately.

"Hey!" she chirped, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hi! I've missed you." I say as I hugged her back.

"You saw literally three hours ago."

"Yeah, but that was in school! Can't I miss my bestie?" I say, pulling back.

"You're sweet." she smiled. "Come in! I need to talk to you about something." she took my hand and dragged me upstairs to her room.

"What do you need to talk about?" I ask as I collapse on her bed.

"I really want to ask Pheonix out but I don't know if they'd be into me." she confessed as she carefully place herself next to me.

"Wow. Okay. I wasn't expecting that one."

"I know. I kept it so quiet because I knew you liked them and-"

"I don't like Pheonix. I just think they're attractive and cool. Besides, I like someone else." I smirk. I know she'll catch on.

"Oh god. It's not me, is it? That'd be some really messed up love triangle."

"What? No! I love you, platonically. I'd never date you, silly bitch."

"Thank god." she sighed, "Who is it, then?"

"Eliza Rogerstone-Montgumery." I grin. Just hearing her name sends chills through my body.

"No way." she gasped.

"Uh huh."

"I mean, that's fair enough. She's a nice girl."

"She so perfect. She's cute, she's funny, caring and cuddly. God, so cuddly. But I love it."

"You mean to tell me that you are cuddling with Eliza Rogerstone-Montgumery and you're not dating her?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She never lets anyone touch her. Whenever the guys at school tap her on the shoulder or something, she goes to the bathroom to literally throw up."


"Yeah. From what I've heard, she hates physical contact with anyone bar Kath. Consider yourself lucky."

"I just might. Anyways, it's not about me right now. Have you talked to Pheonix?"

"Yeah," she smiled brightly as a light blush crawled across her cheeks, "They're so funny. I giggle like a child when I'm around them."

"It must be serious if you giggle around them."

There's one thing that I know about Gemma and is that she does not giggle for everyone. She reserves it for people who have a special place in her heart. Her dads make her giggle and I make her giggle. That's about it. To hear that Pheonix does this is serious business.

"Yeah. I want to be their girlfriend so bad. I wanna cuddle and kiss them." she gushes. I listen to all of the fabricated stories she has made up about them. About her future with them. She's fallen hard. We're both in a bit of a pickle.

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