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"Elizaaaaaaaaa!" I hear Kath's voice call before I felt something crash onto my legs.

"Morning, Kath." I grumble. I reach out for Chanse but she's not there, but Siân is in her place.

"It's Christmas!" Kath grins, her green eyes more alive then ever. I don't think this girl will ever grow up.

"Is it?" I tease her.

"Yeah! Come on! We're all waiting for you!" she whines.

"What time is it?"

"Five-thirty." Kath giggled.

"It's so early!" I groan.

"We always wake up early in Christmas! Come on! Remember when we would always wake up at five o'clock and we'd watch a film together because it was too early for the older kids?"

"Yeah, but we are the older kids now. It's too early, Kath." I say as I pull the duvet over my head.

"Come on, Eli! Don't you wanna go and spend your first ever Christmas with Chanse?" I hear Kath's voice ask, but it was muffled because of the duvet over my head.

"Of course, I do! Just not this early in the morning." I say. The duvet is yanked from my body and I groan as the cold hair hits me.

"Eli. Let's go. Mama is making you coffee."

"Why didn't you lead with that?" I say as I got straight up and put my snuggie on. I grab Siân and head downstairs, going straight to my girlfriend, who is on the couch. I sit next to her and gave her a quick kiss.

"Morning. Merry Christmas." she smiles brightly at me.

"Merry Christmas." I beam back. I then say my good morning to the kittens and the rest of the family. Mama gets a big hug when she brings my coffee in. She's so kind.

"Can we open presents now?" Kath begged.

"Go ahead!" Mama exclaimed and I shook my head while watching Kath tear into her present.

I'm gonna wait until I've finished my coffee. I watch as Kath tears through all of the wrapping paper while Hayley and Melissa take their time with theirs. Really looking at the presents and spending time to enjoy them for a little bit before moving on to the the next ones.

Chanse sits next to me. She's cuddled into my shoulder and it makes me feel so warm inside.

"You're so comfy." Chanse mumbled into my shoulder.

"Thank you." I grin like a fool to myself while taking a sip of my coffee.

"Eli Bach. What are you doing?!" Mamgu shrieked, "Open your presents, Cariad! Anghredadwy!"

I'm too afraid to go against Mamgu, so I join my twin on the floor, Chanse right by my side, and open my gifts.

I started with the ones from Mom and Mama. Now, Mama knows that I love clothes, so she bought me and arrangment of shirts, jackets, jeans, shoes, even ties. I was very grateful. Mama got a massive hug from me, so massive that I almost killed her.

Mom got me drawing materials and a new microphone to record Joey's Apocalyptic Diary with. She said that the quality of the microphone I used could be improved, and I couldn't agree more. She got me a green hoodie. I loved it because it reminded me of Mom, since it was her favourite colour. And finally, Mom knows how I like to smell nice, so she bought me some sprays and perfumes.

I attacked my Mom in a hug too, but I was more delicate with my Mom since I knew that Mama was overprotective.

Chanse was having the time of her life with a Nintendo Switch that my parents got her. She was already on a game and the rest of her presents are still under the tree.

"Babe, you have other presents under the tree." I remind her as I reach for the gifts my Mamgu and Granny got me.

"Yeah, let me just finish this level." Chanse mumbled.

"You've created an iPad kid out of my girlfriend." I say to my parents as I begin to open my gift from Granny.

Inside was the softest onsie I have ever laid my fingers upon, and the best part is that it was a dragon onsie, too. Granny knows I love dragons. And even better, the onsie was black so I could match Sîan.

"Thank you, Granny!" I squeal as I capture her in a hug.

"Ay, it's alright spud." she said.

I move onto Mamgu's present for me. But before I could open it, Mamgu called out, "Oh, Eli Bach. Come here first." she patted the spot next to her on the sofa. I sat down with her and she placed her arm around my shoulder. "Now, you open it." she grinned.

I tear open the gift and take a look at it. It's a cute picture of Mamgu and I when I was tiny. I was sat on her lap and she held onto me tightly, kissing my head as I cuddled into her. My favourite blanket wrapped around us. And that blanket was in my room, upstairs. The frame had neat writing in it, written in a beautiful gold ink. Mamgu a fi. Which means, Mamgu and me. The frame was quite big and I know that I'll put it in my house, the house that I will share with Chanse.

"Mamgu. I love it. Diolch yn fawr. Rwy'n dy garu di."

"Oh, Eliza Bach. Rwy'n dy garu di hefyd." Mamgu replied, squeezing me as hard as she can, "Eli, I just wanted to tell you to take that blanket home with you. I'm afraid that I don't have much time left. I want you to keep the blanket safe." she said, sadly.

"Okay," I nod, tears almost brimming my eyes, "I will keep it so safe." my voice trembled.

"It'll be okay, Cariad." she pulled me into her as I cried silently into her shoulder.

"I don't want you to die." I whispered.

"I know, Bach. I don't have much time left. The doctor reckon I'll be gone by April." Mamgu said quietly.

"April?" I pull away and look at her, "That's my birthday month!"

"It's not ideal, sweetheart, I know. But, it's bad. I'm very poorly." she said to me quietly.

"Does Mom and Mama know?" I ask her.

"No. And I don't want to worry them. I didn't want to worry you either, but it slipped from my mouth."

Granny, who was sat next to Mamgu, leaned over and gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry spud, I'll be here for her." she patted my knee and winked. That always used to make me laugh when I was little, but now, I'm just too upset. I gave Mamgu a kiss on the head and left to go upstairs. I took a glimpse at Chanse, who was looking at me, her Switch really close to her face but she was looking at me, worry and curiosity in her eyes.

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