
I am absolutely in love with the house. It's so homey and cozy. I never wanna leave. Although I know I'll have to eventually. Maybe sometime after the baby is born. I'm dying to go out and do teenage girl things. Like dine with my friends, go out on dates with my girlfriend et cetera. And the obvious, have some down time with my kid. Eli has already started weaving the space net. She's really excited about it and I am too, to be honest. It looks like it will be so much fun.

While she is out in the trees, I'm usually in the house. I've tried to do some cooking which hasn't been too bad. Eli has been eating a lot more recently and I understand that because she's doing a lot of strenuous work when she's not weaving the net.

She's been working hard on the final touches of the house. She's been taking care of me, even though Gemma has been staying with us. I know she heads out to the gym and works out. She's been out exploring the land that we now own. She's building some stuff out the back for Macsen, when she's older. I haven't been able to go out and see because my back and my legs hurt constantly. Also, Eli has taken on the cafe that her parents owned and working on another project that she refuses to tell me about, so she's been juggling everything between work, this project, the house and yard, and taking care of me, she's pretty busy and using a lot of energy.

Gemma tries to help out where she can, but there were some days where she had to go and help Phoenix with moving stuff. Gemma is more full time now because Phoenix is at school in Connecticut. I start school at the start of November. The baby will have been born by then and I wouldn't be freshly ripped apart by said baby.

As of right now, I was sat on the sofa, enjoying a nice cup of tea. Just enjoying the presence of my house. I just love it. Eli came in through the back door behind me. I tried to turn around as best as I could but having the bump makes it slightly more difficult.

"Hey," she smiled as she came over to me, sat on the sofa and kissed my lips.

"Hey. How's it going out there?" I smile back as I run my hand through her hair.

"It's really good. I'm not in a rush because the baby won't use a whole climbing frame just yet." she giggled, "I accidentally sliced my hand with a saw though," she was still smiling as she revealed her bloody hand.

"Ah! Eli! What the fuck?!" I shout.

"What's happened?" Gemma came rushing into the room.

"I cut my hand." Eli looked at Gemma.

"Eli, your hand is covered in blood. Why the hell aren't you panicking?" Gemma stated, an exasperated expression on her face.

"It's not that bad!" Eli defended.

"Let Gemma clean you up. We're gonna have to call Ruth here or something. You need to get checked out." I order.

"Okay. It's not that deep but I'll still give Ruth a call." she shrugged.

"Thank you."


So Ruth came over and looked at Eliza's hand. She concluded that it was okay and the saw wasn't rusty so she is clear for tetanus. Eli's hand didn't need stitching, just a bandage over it was fine as it had already scabbed over. Although, Eliza was strongly advised to not do any work with the saw for a while.

The midwife had been around to check up on me. I'm due in a week but there's still a chance that the baby could be early. So while Ruth scolded Eli about her hand and not being careful, I was being checked on.

And you'll never guess what happened.

My water broke. It felt like a tennis ball of liquid was sliding down my vagina.

At least the midwife is here. And Ruth.

The midwife is aware that Ruth is a surgeon, a surgeon for children at that. So she shouted for her to come upstairs and I heard more than one person scramble up the steps.

"What's happened?" Ruth asked as she stepped into the room, Eli and Gemma hot in her heel.

"Her water has broke. We need to prep for a baby." The mid wife said calmly.

"The baby's coming?" Eli asked.

"Yeah," Ruth replied.

Eli got very happy and she hopped into the bed next to me, "The baby is coming!"

"Yeah. It's weird because the contractions haven't-," I was saying before I was interrupted but the exact thing was talking about, "Okay, I lied."

Eli took my hand and squeezed it, "It's gonna be okay. I'm here."

"I know. You always make things better," another contraction ripped through my body, "So will an epidural."

A few hours pass by. We're just sat here, waiting. It can take anywhere up to eight to eighteen hours for my to be fully dilated and it's already been about seven. The sun has set and I'm hoping that the baby comes within the next hour or so because this is excruciating.

We've got a spare bedset for this moment. So when the baby is born, everything will go in the wash and the new bedding will go on. We've layered the spaces beneath me with towels so hopefully the fluid didn't go through and onto the mattress. That would suck.

At eight and a half hours and I was ready to push. And I was so thankful that we didn't have any close neighbours. Because I was loud. Eli and Gemma were my little cheerleaders as I pushed a tiny baby out of my vagina and it didn't feel tiny at all. It wasn't long until I heard the cried of the sweet thing. I felt relief. All I wanted to do was hold my child. Just hold her and and welcome her to the world.

And I did just that.

"Time of birth, nineteen-twenty-one." Ruth announced. We signed the birth certificate and Macsen was declared healthy. That made me really happy. Eli was crying when she held her for the first time and Gemma was so happy.

"She's here, Chansey!" Eli said as she passed her back to me.

"I know. She's so adorable." I reply as I stare down at this wonderful being we made together. Macsen.

"Alright. Let's get a photo. I'll give our parents a call when you're ready. Auntie Audrey is on her way." Ruth explained.

"Why is Auntie Audrey coming?" Eli asked.

"She's usually present for most of the family's labours. She missed yours and she's so upset."


"Yeah. She was there when Tammy gave birth to both of my kids. She was so happy when Catrin was born. Being Mom and Mama's first grandchild, that is. Auntie Audrey's first great niece." Ruth said.

"Fair." I shrug lightly, careful not to disturb Macsen. I think Eli stopped listening halfway through because when I looked over, she was staring at the baby again. I found it really cute.

The Creator: UNKNOWNWhere stories live. Discover now