Detectives In Love!

Start from the beginning

- Can we not talk about your love life right now? -she asked from me quietly.

- Sure, yesterday we almost kissed, and you don't want to talk about that niether? - i asked from her.

- No, just let's focus on this case. - said Cheryl, and i just sighed then sat down beside her to read what is the case, we got...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- Oh my god, i hate this kind of cases. - i said to Toni, after we readed about our case.

- Drug buisness, in Riverdale it's not really interesting. - she said to me, and a few minutes later her phone started to ring.

- You won't answer your phone call? - i asked from Toni, and she just sighed then picked it up...

Toni Topaz pov:

- Hey babe, do you have a minute?

- Uhm, sure.

- Do you have plans for tonight?

- Well i don't know.

- What do you mean?

- I got a new case, and i need to start working on it with Cheryl.

- Oh i see, then another time.

- Sorry.

- It's okay babe, i love you bye.

- I love you too Veronica, bye. - i finished the phone call and just sighed...

- Are you okay? - asked Cheryl, when i sat down beside her.

- Yes, don't worry about it Cheryl. - i said to her, and she smiled at me then the door opened and an officer walked in.

- Miss Blossom, Miss Topaz we get some informations about the gang who started to drug buisness in Riverdale. They use an abandoned warehouse, near the Southside and their leader want to makes it look like, the Serpents do the drugs but actually the Ghoulies doing it. - he said to us, and Cheryl squeesed her knuckles.

- Thanks for the help. - i said to him, then he left.

- Cheryl, what's wrong? - i asked from her, and she just sighed.

- You can't tell this to anyone, but i was a Ghoulie too. - she said to me, then showed me her Ghoulie tattoo, on her arm.

- Why did you left? - i asked from her.

- Because of my exgirlfriend, who cheated on me. - she said to me.

- Who was your girlfriend? - i asked from Cheryl, and she just sighed.

- Penny Peabody. - she said to me.

- What? - i asked from her.

- Yeah, you heard it well and actually i was a Ghoulie Queen until she ruined everything. - she said to me.

- I'm sorry Cheryl. - i said to her, and put my hand on her shoulder.

- It's fine don't worry. - she said to me and sighed.

- We have to go, to this place and solve this case. - i said to her, and she just nodded in agreement while bited her own bottom lip.

- Let's go. - she said to me quietly, then grabbed the folders from my desk...

Cheryl Blossom pov:

- Toni are you sure, it's a good idea to go there without backup? - i asked from her, after we left the police station and get in her car.

Choni One Shots: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now