Drew McIntyre-Surprise

Start from the beginning

As you unlocked the door, the cool breeze sent shivers up your spine, and chill bumps rose on your arms and legs. It was so empty and dark with him or his things there. You let out a sigh, cleaning up the house, seeing the ruckus you caused when catching the two in bed.

You must've cleaned a little too hard because you found a small note in the nightstand with red lace panties saying:

'So much better than my girl. I'm keeping these btw, they look real good on you.'

Anger took over your body as you threw the panties across the room and ripped up that stupid note. You fell on the bed, letting out cries of betrayal.


At Drew's house he was worried. Even though he saw you just a night ago, he wondered how you were holding up. And it didn't help that Mason kept asking him about you.

"Daddy, I wanna see Y/n!" Mason yelled, looking up at him with big pleading eyes. "We can't, Mason. We need to leave Y/n alone." He explained, continuing to clean the kitchen counter. "Daddy! I miss Y/n. She was sad and I wanna know why!" Mason demanded, stepping his foot down.

Drew cursed at himself for giving his son such stubborn genes.

"Her boyfriend broke up with her, and she misses him really badly." Drew said, earning silence from his son. He looked down at him, seeing Mason's thinking face. Meaning, he's looking up in the air, and his index finger tapping his chin.

It  was like a light bulb hit his mind as he gasped. "Daddy, I have an idea!" Drew huffed out a breath. "What is it?" Mason spoke. "I think we should go to the store and buy Y/n her favorite food. It's Valentine's Day. Everyone deserves candy and sweet drinks. My teacher even gave some to me Friday!" Drew stopped washing the dishes and took in Mason's words.

That honestly doesn't sound like a bad idea. "Well, that's actually really smart." Mason smiled, proud of his Dad's approval. "We can go to Dollar Tree, get her some candy, lemonade, salty chips, and chocolate." Drew said to himself, thinking over everything.

Mason didn't forget to add, "And flowers! Y/n needs flowers!" Drew nodded his head, looking at the clock. 2:45 the store should still be open.

Drew quickly finished the dishes and went to the bedroom to get changed with Mason. "Let's go get Y/n, some goodies!"


The next day was dreadful for you. You just sat around, eating ice cream and watching stupid romance movies, hoping you had that type of love.

As the credits rolled a knock at the door made you groan. You put the pint of ice cream on the counter as you walked to the door. You didn't think of looking through the peephole, ready to tell off whoever it was to disturb your heartbreak peace

Instead of an annoying neighbor, you were met with Drew and Mason both dressed a little fancy, with a basket in each hand. "Happy Valentines Day!" Mason yelled. You instantly smiled, stepping aside to let them in.

They walked into the living room, smiling. "What's all of this?" You asked them, Mason answering your question by shoving his basket in your hand. "Open it!" You eyed him suspiciously,  slowly looking in the bag. "Oh my gosh." You gasped out, getting more quicker and taking the items out of the basket.

There were a lot of snacks at the bottom followed by chips, candy, little stickers and even chocolate. "Chocolate?!" You said, popping open the box and eating one. You moaned at the taste. "Thank you, Mason." You thanked him, grabbing him into a bone crushing hug.

You could feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes as you hugged him. Drew smile, happy seeing you finally smile. He would never say, but you did look horrible.

Your hair was messed up, pajamas lazily hanging on your body, and he didn't miss the half eaten ice cream that was on the counter.

"That's not all. Daddy got you something too!" You turned to look  Drew seeing him looking all nervous. You also noticed he had his hands behind his back. "Uh, I got you this." Drew revealed his hands, a big bouquet of roses.

You gasped, snatching the bouquet of his hands, taking a huge sniff. "I-I hope you like-" Drew stopped talking when he felt your body jump on his. You wrapped your arms around his waist, tucking your head into his chest.

""Thank you, thank you so much! This is the best surprise ever!" Drew wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer to him.

The feeling of your body against his was something he would never not wanna feel

Mason smirked, looking at his Dad and you. It was only seconds later that the sound of sobs and the feeling of something wet touching Drew's neck broke him out of his trance.

With concern, he gently pulled you back. "Hey, why're cryin'?" Drew asked as you sniffled, wiping your tears away. "These are tears of joy. I-I promise, it's just... no one's ever done something like this for me before and I'm very grateful that you and Mason are doing this."

Drew smiled at your words, pulling you in for another hug. "Group hug?" Mason asked, already inching closer to you two. In a small circle you all hugged, happy to have each other's company on such a special day.

Drew would never say it, but the other surprise was to ask you to be his Valentines.

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