Chapter Eleven

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The desperation in his voice had my chest tightening.

I drove nearly over a hundred miles per hour to get here as fast as I could. Thankfully, there wasn't any highway patrol in sight and barely any cars for traffic to be a problem. I may have had a near miss once or twice, but we won't think on that.

Cameron's safety was more important than my own and I got into the city exactly in twenty minutes. The frustration of the red lights were killing me. But as soon as I called him back I was glad he answered right away. But the sound of his voice...I didn't like it.

As soon as the neon sign of Charles Diner came into view relief flooded through me. I didn't even care that I parked in a no parking zone right out front. When I hopped out I scanned the windows until my eyes landed right on him in the far corner. He looked scared out of his mind, and he stared at something across the street.

I quickly look in the direction but there was no one there. My defensive mode right up double time as well as my anger. The fact that someone would do this to anyone pissed me off, but more so because they tried to do it to Cam. If I encountered them in this lifetime I was going to make sure they wished they never crossed paths with me.

Slamming the door shut I ignore one of the employees rushing out as they yell, "Hey, you cant park there!"

I push past him and beeline straight to Cameron, who was still looking out the window. It wasn't until I get two feet in front of him do I feel the overwhelming pheromones. I stiffen but keep pushing on. I was afraid to even touch him, but he was completely stuck on the alley across the way.

"Cam." I quickly state as I knelt next to him just as someone behind me snaps, "Excuse me, sir but you need to back off."

Ignoring her I don't take my eyes off him as he jerks at the sound of my voice, snapping his eyes to look down at me. Instant relief at seeing my face floods his own and before I knew it he slams his body into mine, a body that was shaking.

"Thank God you're finally here." He whispers shakily.

I gather him into my arms and stood up. His pheromones were getting stronger and not in a good way. We were surrounded by so many people, people that were now looking in our direction. He wasn't lying when he said his thought he was drugged with a heat inducer. The scent coming off him was that of being in Heat and it was coming in waves and only getting stronger. I was so thankful I came just in time.

He had wrapped his arms around me, his face buried in my chest. My own body was beginning to react to his, but I'll be damned if I let anything go further. I was here to help him, not maul him because of his uncontrolled pheromones.

I go to walk away to get us the hell out of there when a hand tightens on my arm.

"Hold on, I can't just let you leave. Someone is after him and for all I know it could be you." A young looking girl heatedly states as she tries to stare me down even though I was a good foot taller than her.

"It's...okay...he's the one I was...waiting for." Cameron breathes with difficulty, his skin already shining with sweat.

Fuck. We're wasting time continuing to stay here. I had to get him out fast before something bad happens. Like these fuckers that were starting to head our way. Three Alphas staring right at Cameron like they wanted more than just his number. I couldn't help the low protective growl being thrown their way telling them to back the fuck off.

"Okay, you should go then." She quickly states realizing the situation.

I don't hesitate as I lift him in my arms, him instantly attaching his body to me like he was some kind of octopus refusing to let go of their prey. And I could definitely feel his major issue against my stomach. Trying my best to ignore my own growing issue I briskly walk to the front doors, but those three men were in my way.

"Fucking move or you'll regret it." I menacingly threat.

"Three of us against just you, your threat isn't very convincing." One of them says his eyes half yellow already.

I wasn't afraid of them, but I was afraid that if I get distracted with fighting them then Cameron would be vulnerable to someone else.

"None of you will do any such thing."

We all turn our heads to see a police officer coming from one of the nearby tables. He looked hard at the three men. "It's apparent this young man needs to go home. He doesn't look too good, and I doubt he wants any of your attention. Back off or I'll be forced to arrest all three of you for sexual assault."

I breathed with relief at hearing that. I didn't have time for this. He looks to me and nods his head and I thank him before I rush out of the diner and straight for my car. I open the passenger door and slip him in. He goes willingly, his body hot and sweaty, his breathing low and hard. I don't look down at his lap as I buckle him in, needing to keep my mind clear.

Once secured, I rush to the other side and get in.

"Where is your car?" I ask as I start mine back up.

He shakes his head avoiding eye contact with me. "I...don't know...can't remember."

"That's alright. We'll come back later and get it." I say pushing my foot on the gas pedal to get us the hell out of here and him home where he needs to stay.

But then I thought of something horrible. They could be following me without me knowing it. If they find out where he lives, and I leave him all alone...

Yeah, definitely not doing that. Which means, I'll need to bring him back to my place. I would rather them thinking he lived there and try to break in at my place than his. I also wasn't going to take him to Tristan's. No way was I doing that to my cousin. He was pregnant and I couldn't chance him getting hurt either.

I drove nearly as fast as I did coming to get him. But with him in the car now I was way more cautious of my driving. I tried to keep focus on the road, but my mind was starting to become foggy, and my body wasn't feeling any better. I hated this feeling. And I completely get why Cameron felt the way that he did when it came to us Alphas.

Take those three asshats back at the diner. Or the one that drugged him. Thinking on that helped tremendously to keep my ass in check. Couldn't go and prove Cam right now can I.

"Sia?" His voice came out breathily.

"Yeah?" Shit, why was I sounding like that?

He doesn't say anything more, getting me to look over at him. I nearly hit the brake pedal at the hot, steamy look he was giving me. His piercing gaze went straight to my straining groin, and I had to quickly look away almost letting out a groan. Fuck, I wanted him.

But not like this.

"We're almost there, Cam. You can do this. You can hold off until you're safely in a room and can sleep the drug off."

God, I hope so because this was starting to become torture. 

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