Chapter Sixty Seven

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I stare down at the purest blue-gray eyes I have ever seen in my life. Big and luminous they stare up at me, slowly blinking before their eyelids slowly drift back closed. I couldn't help smiling at him with so much love that it felt like it wanted to burst right out of my chest.

He. Him. A baby boy. My precious son who finally made his presence known to the outside world.

Labor that lasted six hours and twenty seven minutes, but it was all so worth it. All the pain, the frustration, and the uncomfortableness it all brought me, just simply wiped away as soon as he was placed in my arms, crying his heart out.

I never cried with so much happiness as I did in that moment and the best part was I had people who I loved experience it with me. As soon as he was laid there still covered in fluid, blood, and whatever else that had been inside me, with the umbilical cord still connecting us, Axel was in a daze looking down at our little bean for the first time.

Not caring for the stuff covering him he leans down and kisses him right on the head, calming him to just a small cry. He looked to me with tears rolling down his own cheeks as he whispers,

"Thank you."

My heart soared with the best feeling in the world that I couldn't even describe it. He had no idea that it was I who should be thanking him. He gave me a life of my own, a life where I was free and a love that I never even dreamed of having for myself. He saved me from the worst fate possible and gave me something to continuously look forward too. A child that I loved and cherished more than anything in this entire universe.

My throat closed on me as tears welled up even more. He leaned in kissing me softly. "I love you."

"I love you." I whisper back.

Once they had Axel cut the umbilical cord, then took little bean and cleaned him all up, checked his vitals, and wrapped him in a blanket they placed him right into the arms of his father, who beamed with such joy that it made him glow. Dr. Lee had been still working on me as Cameron looked down at him, tears brimming his cheeks, adoring him completely.

I had asked Cameron to be in the room with me since I couldn't have asked anyone better. Sia and Uncle Lander understood and waited out in the lobby with the others. Axel wanted his birth father to join but he calmly told him that this was a special moment between us three and he was more than happy to wait with the others.

"Oh my God, Tristan." Cameron gushes once he got his emotions under control.

He smiles hugely as he looks to me from my son and says, "He has white hair, just like you."

A tight feeling hits my chest. With my hormones on the high I couldn't help but think of my parents and a new bout of tears hit me hard, causing me to cover my face with my arms and sob. Alarm hits everyone as they came to my side asking me what was wrong. But how could I possibly tell them that this moment made me miss my parents so much, of how much I wished they were still alive and here with me right now. For them to get to meet their first grandchild.

And the fact that my mother's trait still lived on through me and now her grandson. It was all just too much, and I couldn't help the overflowing sadness mixed with joy overwhelming me. Eventually I told them all I was okay. And once I was set, Axel placed the baby in my arms, and I haven't let him go since.

Now an hour later we were sitting there in bed just staring at one another until finally he fell asleep. I had checked his fingers, his toes, all his little body parts trying to comprehend that I had created this tiny little being. That Axel and I had created him ourselves with our love. He was so precious, he was everything.

I kiss his tiny forehead, his soft white fuzz tickling my nose. "I love you so much, little bean. So much. For as I long as I live and thereafter I'll always love you." I whisper, remembering my life growing up and vowing that he will never have to experience anything that I had gone through.

The door softly opens, and Axel's face appears. Seeing me awake, since I've fallen asleep earlier, he smiles as asks gently, "Care for some visitors?"

I nod my head knowing I looked tired and like shit but at this moment I didn't care. He opens the door to let everyone in the room. The first person I see is Andi, who covers his mouth with tears brimming his eyes walking up to us. Right after him was Thomas who was grinning, followed by Sia and Uncle Lander.

Cameron was the last one to come in, who silently shuts the door.

"Oh he's beautiful!" Andi gushes quietly. "He looks just like Axel when he was first born."

Hearing that made me sublimely happy.

"Man, look at that hair!" Sia whispers next, standing on my other side, looking down at my baby boy. "Just like you." He grins.

My uncle, who was standing next to Sia, leans down and kisses me on top of my head. "Good job, son. You're parents would be proud of you right now."

Once again tears swam in my vision, honored at his words. If only they were here now to see us.

"So, what's his name?" Thomas asks, making everyone look to me and Axel.

I had already given my thoughts on it to him when it had just been the two of us right before I fell asleep. Looking at me I nod my head at him, and he smiles tenderly, and he looks to his birth father.

"We wanted to honor them. So, everyone, I like you to meet Zachary Kylan Besson."

I watch their reaction and wasn't disappointed. Andi's eyes filled up with tears and his emotions were plain as day. He loved the name, and I knew he was thinking about his first true mate who didn't get to live past twenty-one years old. Didn't get to see Axel grow up into the man he was today and didn't get to meet his second son Lincoln.

Thomas wraps his arms around him, giving him soothing words as he lets him cry. I swing my gaze to my uncle whose eyes were watered but a huge smile on his face.

"They would have loved it." He whispers to me and a smile of my own crept on my face.

"Yeah, I think they really would have." I look back down at my son. "Zachary Kylan. It's a prefect name for him. Two grandfathers who would have loved him with their whole hearts. And they'll live on through him."

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