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*Two Weeks Later*

Zachary starts making noises in his basinet as I sit on the couch in the living room folding baby clothes and watching the news. Reaching over to check on him I see him stretch and then settle back down quietly again. I couldn't help smiling at his precious little face.

For the last two weeks since he was born I couldn't say it was smooth sailing. It wasn't. I was exhausted and poor Axel was too. Lincoln gave him time off from the company that they were both trying to build together and had taken complete control over from Han. We were both glad for it since I could use all the help I could get with this new parenting thing. Not like Axel knew anything on it himself, but two was better than one right?

Each and every night like clockwork Zachary woke up screaming his little head off from either being hungry, needing a diaper change, or just wanting to be awake or be held. For the first few days I was able to produce milk but being a male Omega it dried up rather quickly, so we had no choice but to switch to formula.

"You were able to give him the first three days, which is amazing to do. The first milk is always important for an infant to have since it holds the most nutrients. Don't be discourage that you can't give him the natural thing. He was able to receive the important part of it." Dr. Lee explained when I brought up my concern on it.

For the first week Andi and Thomas stayed with us to help with anything we needed. I was glad for it because I felt like my child needed me 24/7 and apparently that wasn't the case. When he cried all I wanted to do was hold him, but Andi said it was good to let them cry it out every now and then. It's hard to do that though. I hated hearing him be unhappy.

Axel was no better than I was. If not worse actually. I could already tell that our little bean had him completely wrapped around his little finger. But convincing Axel that he needed to let him cry it out was nearly impossible. Our son was going to be spoiled rotten for sure. And watching my mate care for our child they way he did was so breathtaking that I just fall harder for him even more and more.

But even though he was only two weeks old, I felt like things were already getting better. He was sleeping more often, crying less, and beginning to sleep through most of the nights now. He was gaining weight, and his hair was already growing out. And just like mine does, he had black roots that turned to pure white.

He was by far the most gorgeous baby to have ever lived. Maybe I'm just being biased, but I truly believed it. We had introduced Shiri to him, and I at first thought it was going to go horribly, but she laid there on her side staring at him, making the cutest gurgling sounds I have ever heard. When Zachary made his own little grunting noises she smiled and cried out happily.

It was the start of a beautiful bond between the two of them. Especially being so close in age. They'll grow up together and more than likely practically do everything together as kids. And it made me wonder what kind of mischievous things they'll get up too in the years.

Grazing a finger softly on his peach covered cheek, I smile. Looking around, I frown noticing some people were missing. Cameron had come over this morning to help out, but then Sia showed up an hour later and the two of them wouldn't stop bickering and fighting. Eventually Cam got fed up and walked out leaving my cousin to stew all on his own on the couch.

I didn't say anything because it was all becoming the norm for them. I just sat there loving on my baby happily. Next thing I know he was MIA too. Standing up, I lean down and pick up my son, who was now staring up at me completely wide awake.

"Hey, my little love, let's go find out where your Godfather and Uncle went off too." I whisper with a smile, kissing him on his chubby cheek. Placing him against my chest, the softness of my puffy sweater making him instantly comfortable, the television suddenly grabs my attention.

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