Chapter Fifty One

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A half hour later I was sitting in Dr. Lee's office. I couldn't help feeling a bit stiff as I waited there with Axel sitting beside me. There were a few other people waiting to be seen as well. As a local doctor he seemed to be a professional for general practice. I couldn't help but keep taking glances at a couple who was also expecting. Only the woman was bigger in size and looked like she was ready to pop any day now.

Watching her I couldn't help envisioning myself in that condition and it was still so hard to believe. I must have been seeping out my pheromones as Axel leans down and whispers,

"Love, are you alright? Are you nervous being here? Your pheromones are leaking a little." He was slightly frowning down at me.

I just nod my head quickly. "Yeah, I'm okay. This is just my first time in a doctor's office that's all. It's different than a hospital." I admit to him.

He gives me a gentle smile, taking my hand into his and intertwining our fingers together. The contact calm me down instantly making me smile back.

The door to the side of us opens and Dr, Lee stood there with a chart in his hand. He looks to us as he announces me name. When he sees Axel he became surprised.

"Mr. Besson, I wasn't expecting to see you here today."

"I just arrived right before Cameron was going to bring him. He suggested I take him instead."

We head into one of the little rooms. "Go on and sit up there, please." He tells me and I hop onto the bed that was in the room.

The crinkling of the paper that was laid out made me feel a little uncomfortable, but I just ignore it since my heart was beginning to beat faster as we got closer to the reason we were here in the first place. I was having second thoughts about Axel tagging along. I was afraid he wasn't going to take the news very well and in a public place too.

Maybe I should say something before it was too late. I go to open my mouth when Dr. Lee states, "Lie back and lift up your shirt for me."

Axel's brows furrowed at the instruction, and I knew I needed to say it now as the doctor grabs the computer that was sitting to my side with an attached wand looking device. He grabs a bottle that had clear blue gel in it.

"Axel, there's something I have to tell you and you might get mad." I quickly spout out before I lost my nerve.

He stared at the wand device and the gel bottle, his eyes slightly changing yellow. He then turns to me blinking. "Tristan...are we...pregnant?" He whispers.

All I could do was stare at him, my eyes misting a little, afraid that he was going to reject the baby, reject me for getting pregnant so soon and so young.

"That's what we're here to find out." Dr. Lee looks to the two of us as he gently says that. "Now if you don't mind, Tristan, please lie back and pull up your shirt."

He then turns on the machine, and it starts to make noises. My body starts shaking, wondering what was going on in my Alpha's head. But he doesn't say another word as he takes my hand again. Lying down, I do what the doctor instructs me to do baring my stomach to him.

He slips a rough blue paper thing into the front of my pants and pulls down a little. My face flames at the intimate location, but I don't say anything when he blobs a large amount of the gel right onto my lower abdomen. I jerk at the coldness.

All the while Axel wouldn't stop staring at that one spot, his expression in a complete daze, his eyes half brown, half yellow. Like he was still present, but so was his inner wolf. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.

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