Chapter Fifty Six

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"Tristan?!" I cry out into the phone when I hear a deep voice I just knew didn't belong to him.

There was some scuffling as if the phone had been dropped and then muffled sounds right after before I hear a chilling voice say,

"It was a bitch to find you. And then when we finally did, you kept being surrounded by nuisances that wouldn't just go away."

More struggling could be heard from Tristan and some curses of someone else that I couldn't identify.

"Let me go, you assholes!"

Tristan's voice got me racing to the front door as I grab my keys. Thank fuck I haven't taken off my shoes yet. Wrenching the door open, I slam it on my way out, not even bothering to lock it because that wasn't what was important right now.

My best friend was in deep trouble.

I don't hang up as I continue to listen, hearing the sounds of fighting and grunts. My heart was racing like crazy, and I was afraid that time was against me. Damn it! I knew it was a bad idea to leave him there all alone! How the hell did they even find him anyways?!

"Axel! Call Axel, Cameron!"

I nearly falter on the steps of the apartment building I was in, since the elevators were taking too damn long to come up. I hear more muffled sounds and then silence.

"Tristan?!" I cry out into the phone, then absolutely nothing. "Fuck!" I curse and quickly hang up and dial Axel's number.

I continue to race down the steps until I make it to the first landing. Swinging the door open to get into the lobby I curse again when he wasn't picking up. Fuck me! I redial just to get the same answer.


Racing out to the garage to get to my car I dial the last person I wanted to talk too. But thank God Tristan talked me into saving his number just in case of an emergency. And this was definitely one.

Surprisingly, he picks up right away.

"Cameron?" Sia sounded quite surprised and confused.

Slamming my gear shift into place I skid my car out of the garage and onto the street while yelling, "Tristan is in trouble! They fucking got him, Sia!"

"Where are you?" His tone suddenly becomes dark and rushed.

"I'm heading back to his place now. I was on the phone talking casually with him, like I do every night when I'm not there, then I hear the doorbell ring. I think it's your fucking uncle, it sounded like his voice. Axel isn't picking up either."

My throat was starting to close in on me as the emotions of worry, fear, and panic was racing through my entire body. Tears sprang to my eyes and my body was shaking horribly.

"Cam, calm down. It's going to be alright. We're going to get him back, I promise. I need you to drive safely and I'll meet you there. I'm going to call my dad, but first I need you to tell me everything that you heard on that call."

I didn't understand how he could be so damn calm knowing that Tristan was in the clutches of an abuser and who know what they were going to do to him. But I was glad for it because his deep soothing voice was making me feel better, as odd as that was.

I was scared out of my mind, but talking to Sia, knowing that he could help handle the situation was causing my stomach to loosen the tight hold it currently was in. And all I could think about as I relayed the story of what I had heard was I wanted my best friend to okay.

Why the hell did I think living nearly an hour away from him was a good fucking idea? It completely wasn't and after tonight I was changing locations. Hell, maybe I'll do what Sia did and move into town as well.

After I said everything that I could we hang up and the silence was killing me. The sun was fading into the night sky and if felt like time was going by so slowly. Sia called me back after only ten minutes and we stay on the phone until I raced down the driveway of Axel's home. There was a car already parked there and I see it was Mayor Nigel talking to a few local policemen.

Any good that would do.

But it wasn't just Nigel and the authorities. There was another man standing with them, who was someone I never seen before. Frowning, I voice my concerns to Sia.

"By chance does he have light brown hair, wearing glasses, and seems kind of lanky and tall?"

I raise a brow as I park next to Nigel's car. "Um, actually, yeah. That's exactly what he looks like."

All the men turned to me when I came through the gates to park. The mayor instantly recognized me and turned back around probably informing the others on who I was. My guess, Sia must have called him before calling me back.

"That's probably my dad then. He was closer than the two of us since he was already on his way back to my new place in town. Is the Mayor there too?"

His dad? The men looked nothing alike, so it was a bit shocking to learn that he was Sia's father. Turning off the car I respond through the Bluetooth of the vehicle,

"Yeah, with a few local cops too."

"Good. I'll be there in less than ten minutes. I already told my dad the basic rundown of what you told me but knowing him he'll probably want to hear everything from you again."

My body tenses up at the notion that I had to talk to his father. But looking out the window he didn't seem too frightening. But I, out of all people, know that looks can be deceiving. I knew that all too well.

My hesitance must have caught on as he says, "Don't worry Cam, he isn't going to bite you. My dad is seriously the nicest man you'll ever come across, minus Tristan of course. I don't think anyone is as sweet and innocent as he is."

The mention of my best friend sent a strong wave of emotion through me again. "Y-Yeah. No one isn't. He doesn't deserve this, Sia. He doesn't deserve any of this at all, so why the fuck is the universe so hell bent on making his life miserable?"

Tears slip down my cheeks as I say the words.

"I don't know. But I do know that the universe also threw me, you, and Axel in his life and I believe it's because it's telling us that we're meant to save him from that life. I have to believe that, otherwise what's there to believe in, if not fate?"

I stare at the dashboard of my car where his name is displayed. Maybe he was right. Maybe we were meant to find each other after all so we can be the ones to help set Tristan free. I wanted to believe that too. Because like he said...what's there to believe in if not that?

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