Chapter Eleven

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I stood just outside of the room that Tristan was currently staying in. I listen as a Dr. Rossum and the local doctor, Dr. Lee, explain his condition to the three strangers I barely just met. When Tristan didn't respond to any of my messages, I just knew something was wrong. Especially when I tried to call, and it went straight to voicemail.

I may have known Tristan for only three months, but it felt like I have known him my entire life. He was the only person who cared about me and my well-being. The day we met was one of the most important days of my life. I had felt broken, unwanted, and unloved. But Tristan slowly made me feel like I belonged on this earth. I knew he was going through hardships of his own. As omegas it felt as if we understood each other, better than anyone, of our predicament in society.

Finding him like this, however, was more brutal of a situation than I thought he was in. Who knew there were others wanting to help him as well? Unfortunately, they were all Alphas. I wasn't sure about the two strangers, that this house belonged too, or their true purpose in wanting to save Tristan. I didn't trust them.

I didn't trust that Sia guy either.

He claims to be Tristan's cousin and I remember Tristan mentioning him countless times in our conversations. But I never met the guy or even saw a picture of him. How do I know if he was telling the truth? He was an Alpha after all, and I knew you couldn't trust Alphas.

I had nothing but bad memories with them. The one Alpha, who I thought was different than the others, was just as bad as the rest. I thought he truly loved me, as he had claimed, just to turn around and abandon me when we discovered I couldn't conceive. I was at my most vulnerable state and he just left me like he never even cared about me in the first place.

All they do is just say a bunch of pretty words to get inside your head and seduce you to submission. Making promises they always intended to break. Use you when it was convenient for them. They never mean what they say, and they never stay true to their word when it counts the most. They either just want a really good fuck or produce an offspring for them.

My spine stiffens when I hear the words of Dr. Rossum.

"He's very malnourished. It's not just him being unable to eat the past two days. Looking at his condition and the blood samples...he's been starved for quite some time. It seems they gave him food to sustain, but not enough of the portions he should be intaking on a daily basis."

I hear her sigh heavily as she continues, "He's also suffered through a lot of fractures and broken bones. After the results came back, I noticed the past injuries. I looked through his records and they were all recorded as mishaps, falling down trees, playing too roughly outside...but knowing what he went through just now, I can guarantee that's not the case at all. My guess he has been beaten multiple times before."

"As an omega, it seems no one really looked into the situation. They pretty much treated him, patched him up, and sent him on his way." Dr. Lee states irritably.

Dr. Lee was an older gentlemen around his sixties or so. He was a Beta and seeing him treat Tristan with such care made me see that he was a good doctor, who cared a whole lot about his patients. It was a rare sight to see. I wish there was more people like him out there in the world.

My anger boils in my blood at every word spoken and I couldn't hold back any longer. I burst into the room. "Aren't you his cousin? How could you let something like this go on for so long?" I accused, staring right at Sia.

He jerks at the sound of my voice and looks to me. "It wasn't like that. I had no idea how bad it was-"

"How could you not know?! You care about him, don't you? For someone who got to see him regularly would have known these injuries! Of how he was being mistreated!"

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