Chapter Fifty Seven

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My head was throbbing as I opened my eyes. The side of my jaw didn't hurt any less either. At first I was disoriented and confused as I groan, sitting up from where I was laid on the floor in a room I didn't recognize. The sound of metal dragging across the ground and the heaviness of my wrists brought my out of focused vision to look down to see what the problem was.

My eyes widening, with my heart speeding up and beginning to hyperventilate, I quickly grab onto the chains that were bounding my wrists, the metal slightly cutting into my skin. I snap my gaze to the wall to see I was chained to it. I instantly start pulling just for it to not even budge at all.

Racking my brain, I try hard to remember what had happened before I was apparently knocked out. Then it all came back in a blinding flash, my uncle and Roman showing up out of the blue, them attacking me and me crying out for help because I had left the cell on the ground where I had been talking to Cameron.

Cameron! Was he able to get a hold of Axel? He had to be so worried right now. But where the hell was I? This place wasn't my uncle's home. I look around my surroundings, breathing in small pants as panic and fear starts to overwhelm me a little. It was cold and I realized I wasn't wearing the same clothes I had on when I was kidnapped by my own family.

A thin white shirt with my grey briefs is all that was on me. Where the hell was all my clothes and why was I undressed in the first place? And this room...

The walls were made out of stone, the floor was concrete and not a single window was in sight. The only light shining through was the one on the ceiling and underneath a metal door. This place looked like a damn cell with a single bed to the other side. It was like I was a prisoner in whatever the hell place this was.

I shiver uncontrollably as the coldness begins to seep through to my bones. A sob suddenly pulls out of me as my emotions were finally catching up to what was happening. I didn't know where I was or if Axel and them could even find me. I was getting scared, pulling on the chains once again to try and hopefully get them loosen, but it was a lost cause as the metal was too embedded into the wall.

Another sob escapes me.

I jerk from sudden footsteps coming towards the door with voices carrying along the way.

"I told you, if we force an abortion it could severely damage his insides and cause him to not bear children at all. He's not a female Omega. The procedure is way more complicated for males because of the anal canal. The fetus has to come out naturally either by birth or miscarriage."

My heart slams at the words. We're they talking about me? About my child right now?!

"Then fucking miscarry the bastard! I want him clean when Lincoln plants his seed inside his body! That boy is a rare dominate and I will get a grandson, who will exceed me, out of him! And no bastard child will be running around like it's fucking father did while growing up in my home! I don't care how you do it, doctor. Just. Do. It."

Tears slip down my face as the door unlocks and slams open to reveal a man that looked beyond scarier than Uncle Sean ever did. He was massive, tall, and mean looking. I instantly shrink back against the wall, not helping the tiny yelp of fear coming out of me.

"You're awake. Good. Listen up Omega, you're here for one purpose only and that's to bear my son a child. I don't give a fuck if he has to force you to do it. That disgusting parasite already growing inside you will be removed one way or another and you will continue to birth future dominate Alphas until that tiny body of yours gives out."

You're My AngelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ