Chapter Twenty-Eight

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He was taking way too long. My anxiety wouldn't stop rising. Why was I feeling so uneasy right now? I keep a close eye of the doors. Everyone that I had seen go in after him had already come out. Maybe it was just taking a while since he had eaten all that food.

But something was telling me that wasn't it.

Letting my overprotectiveness get the best of me I decide to charge in there to make sure he was alright. I go to go in but as soon as I saw the entrance closed, alarm bells start ringing in my head. I try to open the doors only to find them locked.

Fear stabs me right into the chest.

"Tristan?!" I call out only to hear nothing.

What the fuck?! I don't remember anyone else coming in after him who hasn't already came out. Which means someone had already been in there before him.

"Ah, fucking damn it!" A muffled voice came though the metal and pure rage overthrows me.

Dropping everything I was holding I slam my shoulder against the door causing the frame to shake under the pressure.

"What the fuck?" Another voice cries out and it was then that I hear a small whimper followed by a small helpless cry.

I instantly knew it was Tristan.

I didn't hesitate to bellow my Alpha pheromones and slam my booted foot hard against the door crashing it off its hinges and slamming it to the other side of the wall. The loud commotion caused everyone around me to either yell in fright or gasp in shock.

But I didn't care about any of them. I only cared about getting to my Omega who was in danger. I march right into the bathroom only to be assaulted by thick pheromones that wasn't mine. I didn't hold back my own dominance; in fact, I completely devoured the four men's pathetic ones that were doing God knows what in this little shithole.

As soon as I got a good clear view of the situation, I saw nothing but red.

"Who the fuck are you?! Can't you see we're a little busy here!" One of the assholes spat at me but I don't even bother to answer him as I move fast to snatch his throat and squeeze as hard as I could.

I didn't need to do much as I watch him struggle and his friends withered to the ground, my overbearing pheromones smothering them to near damn suffocation.

"H-Hey...l-let me..." The one I held tried to get out, but I didn't heed his words.

As far as I was concerned, they could all die right here.

"You messed with the wrong Omega. Who the fuck do you think you are to touch him?" I seethed in a deep unnatural angry tone.

My wolf within was dangerously close to the surface.

"M-Messing with h-him?...He w-was begging f-for it." His voice strained and quivered in absolute fear.

I squeeze his throat tighter, cutting off all his air supply. I watch as his face begins to turn deep red almost a purple.

Bullshit was coming out of his mouth as Tristan would never beg someone like these assailants.

"He's in heat, we only tried to give him what he want-" I slam the one I had in a choke hold into the one that was behind him, hitting them both so hard that they were knocked out instantly.

I head into the stall to see my sweet Omega, my Tristan, curled up on the dirty ground where not only was he half undressed but where it seemed like he had vomited everywhere. His face was covered in wet sobs and snot, his entire face flushed. His body was shaking so bad.

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