Chapter Forty Nine

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I pop my eyes open as my stomach growls. Sitting up in the bed I stretch and yawn, wondering how late it was this time. Looking out the window I see the sun already made its appearance making my eyes widen that it was already so late in the day.

I was prone to waking up before the sun since I have nothing to do here in the evenings and go to bed early. But lately I have been feeling a lot more tired than usual. Looking over to the night stand the clock reads nearly ten in the morning. That was late for me.

Getting out from under the covers I go to take my morning shower, brush my teeth, and get ready for the day. Cameron had come in last night to spend time with me during the weekend. I was glad since I hated being alone in this big house by myself.

Sia has been staying with me for nearly two weeks now. He said he had some time off, but I didn't think he was approved for being out of work for this long, but what do I know, I've never worked a day in my life. Even though the thought of having a job sounded amazing to me.

In fact, he's been helping me figure out about school. He was able to pull up my transcripts and get them sent to his address. Now we just had to figure out what school I should apply for. That's what we were doing yesterday when I got the call from Cam that he was coming to stay the weekend.

I didn't bother telling him Sia was here otherwise he might not have come. But when he opened the door for him, he didn't seem bothered or surprised to see him standing there. Which caused me great relief. I wasn't looking forward to a tense and stifling atmosphere for the next three days.

After my shower I knew I couldn't hold off on eating any longer. This was another thing I've noticed that was changing. My hunger was becoming unsatisfactory. I felt like eating all the time. I figured it was because I had been so lacking in nutrition that my body was still starving for it.

I head downstairs and immediately smell the delicious aroma of fresh baked bread. My stomach growls again and I quicken my steps to get to the kitchen even faster. I soon found out that Cameron loved to cook, especially baking. He seemed happy in the kitchen. Not even Sia invading his space dampened his spirits while baking.

I walk through the archway and stop short to see all the laid-out food before me. My mouth instantly waters. Coming close to a plate of crispy bacon I could seriously devour; Cameron stops me before I can snatch a piece.

"Don't think about it grub monster. Go sit at the table and I'll bring everything out. And make a plate before you go and start being a caveman with the food."

He starts pushing me out of the kitchen as he wears an apron that was covered in flour and grease. I listen to him with a pout, my stomach letting us all know just how hungry I was. Sia chuckles, coming from the corner of the dinning cabinet carrying plates to place on the table. Shaking his head, he says,

"Your stomach acts like it haven't been fed in days from the sounds its making."

I blush at being teased for my hunger, but I let it slide since he kept taking me everywhere he could in the town and paying for everything. I told him I could provide too since Axel gave me his bank card even though it felt awkward as hell to use it. It still sat comfortably in my wallet completely untouched.

I wait until finally the food was set and both sat down. "Alright, dig in." Cameron gushed happily.

"You've been sleeping in late, buddy. Everything...alright?" Sia started out talking normally just to slow down in confusion.

I stop shoving my face with food and look up at him just to find both of them staring at me with slight surprise on their faces. Swallowing the large bite that I had taken, I ask curiously,

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