Chapter Fifty

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A baby.

Not just any baby, but mine and Axel's baby.

The thought kept rolling around in my head over and over. I had been so out of it and dazed after seeing the proof before me in my hand that I couldn't say a word. Cameron had left me on my own in my room to have this process fully in my brain. Lying on my bed, staring up at the ceiling with a feeling of complete shock, I couldn't seem to get past that one thought.

A baby.

I was going to have a baby.

There was a small living thing growing inside of me right this moment and yet...I didn't feel any different than I have before.

According to Cameron it was the reason I had been felling hungry and tired all the time. I wasn't just eating for me anymore; I was eating for the baby as well. And all my energy was being zapped since the baby needed it to grow as time passes.

"At least you aren't experiencing morning sickness. I heard that most pregnancies you throw up pretty much anything and everything." He had said as he sat close to me to stare down at the test that he had placed in my hand.

But that didn't mean I wouldn't get it later. According to him he has read many books on pregnancy and childbearing. It was something he had been looking forward too before he discovered that he couldn't conceive himself. Hearing that I couldn't help feeling a little guilty that I was dealing with the dream he had been wanting since he found out he was an Omega.

He's been trying while one time was all it took for me.

"You have no reason to feel sad, Tristan. That's just part of life. Not everyone is going to be as blessed and it isn't your fault that I can't bare any children. Don't let my misfortune hinder your joy for having a baby."

I wish I could take his pain away and give him want he wants most in this world. But like he said, not everyone was blessed. Sighing heavily, I reach up to place my hand on my lower abdominal, softly, and slowly stroking it.

A baby.

Was there really a baby in there? It was still so hard to believe and comprehend that there was. My stomach was completely flat. At that moment it gurgles and growls, hunger hitting me in full force. I smile at the thought that it was my baby talking to me, telling me to feed them again.

When Cameron left he informed me that he was going to call Dr. Lee and tell him the situation. According to him we still needed a second confirmation that I was pregnant, and an ultrasound needed to be done.

But most importantly, I needed to tell Axel.

My heart rate picks up at the thought of telling him. We were both young and I'm positive he wasn't ready to have a kid running around, not with all the other frustrating stuff he was already going through with the Nolan clan and his birth father.

The night of my birthday party, after we calmed down and cleaned up, we had laid there side by side. He told me everything that went down with Andi and Thomas. I heard the fear in his tone knowing that his birth father was traveling to a country he's never been too. And all alone at that. But then he went on about his half-brother, Lincoln, had been the one who had bought him and sent him there.

It almost sounded to good to be true. But now he was still stuck here until everything was finalized getting Andi away from Han for good. And until that time, Axel was forced to still do Han's dealings. He was exhausted and depressed, he couldn't hide that part of him even if he wanted too. All I could do was be there for him and show him that he wasn't alone, that I was here.

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