Chapter Three

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We sit on his couch as he waits for me to start.

I wasn't sure I was even ready to tell him, to tell anybody. But he wasn't exactly giving me a choice here. Sighing deeply, I brace myself on the words I was about to reveal. And I hoped to the goddess above that I wasn't going to break down.

"I got the call back from Dr. Rossum." I start out.

He doesn't say anything as he takes my hand and continues to let me take my time on this. He wasn't pressuring which I was grateful for. And the look in his eyes told me that he was going to accept anything I told him, and it wasn't going to change how he saw me one bit.

That alone gave me the courage to keep going.

"All the testing came back. The doctor I had before was unfortunately not too far off." I scoff, feeling the emotions starting to roll through me.

"Dr. Rossum informed me that my chances of ever conceiving are slim to none. Only a miracle could happen. She said it may only be possible if I had a dominant Alpha with really strong pheromones know...can do it."

"I'm sorry." He says as he pulls me in for a hug. "Now I feel horrible."

Hugging him close to me I couldn't help but snort at his statement. "Why should you? It's no one's fault, Tris. Especially not yours. It's just the way things are."

Pulling back, he wipes his face from the tears that started to gather. "I know. But here I am pregnant after not even trying, while you're here suffering of not being able to have a family of your own."

His hormones were getting the best of him. I smile tenderly, helping him wipe his face gently since he had the knack to rub it too hard. "Look at you, the baby has you all too emotional over nothing."

"It's not nothing!" He states passionately. "I want you to be happy too."

He was taking this harder than I was. I wasn't expecting much when she had offered to do the full testing of everything. A slimmer of hope maybe, but I was expecting the bad news. After all it was something I was told by countless others.

"I will be happy. There's adoption and fostering. I don't mind that. Kids with no family need one right? I can help provide that."

He scoots closer to me and lays his head on my shoulder, curling up as best as he could with his stomach poking out more than it has been.

"Yeah, but like you've been saying, what Alpha wants a family that isn't his own? How are you going to raise those kids by yourself?"

And there lied the problem. The issue that made me more sad and upset than finding that I couldn't bare children. Because no Alpha wanted that.

"What are you talking about? I don't need an Alpha to raise kids. Besides, I have you don't I?" I ask with a smile that I didn't feel.

He pushes back and stares at me with determination. "You do. You do have me. I'll help you with anything. No matter what. Not even Axel can stop me from doing it."

I wanted to laugh at his adorable face that was dead set on what he was saying. I don't think Axel would be a problem, because that man would give Tristan the entire world if he could. For a man who was a very strong Alpha, he sure was weak when it came to his mate.

I squeeze him back to me, thanking the goddess that he came into my life at the most crucial time. It was like she knew I needed someone as pure and innocent as he was. Someone who loved unconditionally no matter what they have been through that could have turned him bitter towards the world.

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