Chapter Six

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I needed to get the hell out of there.

I was so hard that I was afraid my pheromones were going to attract unwanted attention. Besides, how creepy was it that I stood just outside his door listening to his sounds as he pleasured himself like that? I invaded his privacy without him even knowing it. I felt disgusted with myself.

Great job Sia, prove Cameron that he was right about the Alpha pool gene all along.

Quickly stepping outside I allowed the cool night air to wash over me and cool down my heated skin. I couldn't be too hard pressed against myself though. I found him attractive. Way more attractive than I've found anybody. It wasn't just because he was an Omega either. I loved his personality.

It's what keeps me coming back for more.

Man, I really was pathetic.

I stay outside until my raging erection was now a semi. Thank goodness because it would have been unbearable walking around or sitting with this thing pressed against my jeans the entire night. Maybe I should go and get laid. Maybe it will take the edge off. Shit, when was the last time I had sex? I've been so preoccupied with what was going on with Tristan I haven't really thought about anything else in the last few months.

Getting laid seemed less important during those times. But now that he was back and safe from harm, about to have a baby, apparently he wasn't stressed out enough to where he was getting it on with Axel to make that happen. But everything was settling down now. It was time to get back to my own life and pick up where I left it off when Tristan was taken from Sean's.

However, now my thoughts were filled with a short haired brunette with enough sass and sarcastic remarks to completely take over my every waking thought and every dreamed filled mind. But maybe I just needed to get my dick wet with a random. Maybe find another Omega out there and get what my dick desperately needed to get Cam off my mind.

The gates chime open snapping my head in time to see Axel's car driving through. I halfheartedly wave as he passes me to park. Watching him get out I could tell the guy was beat. Wearing a suit all the time had to get tiring, since he was walking dead on his feet, his tie halfway undone, the first three buttons of his white shirt popped.

Tristan lucked out. The guy was drop dead gorgeous, even I could see that.

"Hey." He even sounded dead tired.

"You look like shit." Lies, but I wasn't going to tell him that.

A small lopsided grin appears. Roughly shifting his hand through his hair he sighs. "I could use a few days off, but Lincoln needs me."

That will forever boggle my mind. His half brother turned out to be his full blooded brother. Crazy and completely unexpected. And apparently not the psychotic asshole everyone thought him to be either. Again crazy.

"He wants to make sure to get as much done as possible before you have your kid." I say, knowing it was true.

Overheard him once when he was visiting with Thomas and Andi. Still hard to believe and old habits die hard thinking that he was going to turn around and stab everyone in the back like Han Nolan would have done. But he has yet to do or say anything that would cause for any concern.

I watch Axel look at the other cars in the vacancy with a frown. "Cam is still here too?" he asks, looking back at me.

My heart speeds at just the mention of the guy and what he had been up to in his own room moments ago. Clearing my throat, I reply, "Uh yeah. Staying the night. Tristan's asleep on the couch again. I didn't want to leave until you got here."

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