Chapter Forty Three

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"When's your birthday?" I ask as we lay there on the carpet of the living room floor.

I was propped up on my elbow turned towards him, gently tracing the mark on his skin as he laid there on his stomach with his eyes closed looking completely blissed out from our lovemaking. Somehow, we made it in here while we were going at it to our heart's content, not realizing where we ended up.

But that didn't really matter, because being anywhere with him made me happy. Even if it was here on the floor, fully naked with a small blanket barely covering the two of us. He slowly opens his eyes as his face flushes.

"It's actually in the next three days." He whispers, making my eyes bug out a little on that information.

"Why didn't you tell me it was so close?" I gently ask, continuing to graze my fingertips on his perfect smooth skin.

He just shrugs. "Not something that was ever celebrated." His tone sounded like it was the most natural thing in the world, only breaking my heart to hear it.

"But Cameron promised to throw me a birthday party, saying I deserved to be celebrated every year." he quickly added, looking a little worried now.

Probably from the look on my face. I smile at him. "He's right. You do deserve to be celebrated, always."

His face flushes even more. "Will you be here?" He whispers, reaching his hand up to cup my cheek. '

With how everything was going back at Han's I wasn't sure. And I didn't want to disappoint him for not being there on his special day. Especially when it's a day that hasn't been celebrated in who knew for how long. Besides, he was finally turning eighteen. He was finally becoming an adult where not even his uncle has any rights to him anymore.

"I'll definitely be there." I tell him, knowing that I was going to be.

Han nor anyone else was going to stop me from being with him. And with my birth father soon to leave, it was time to start acting out on my plan to leave the clan behind for good. As much as I didn't want to keep hiding it's something we may have to do for a little while.

His beaming smile swelled my chest with so much love that I couldn't resist leaning down and pressing my lips against his. I felt him release a happy contented sigh with his whole body making me pull him even closer to me where our bodies compressed together tightly.

As much as I wanted to take him again, I knew I needed to find out where Lincoln had gone off too. It was clear he wasn't here in the house, otherwise I was sure he would have popped out by now. Which brought me to my next question.

Pulling away from him, I hesitantly ask, "When I got here, by any chance was there anyone else with me?"

He slowly shook his head with furrowed brows. "No, not that I was aware. But then again as soon as I opened the door my only focus was you."

That ever-present guilt slams into me once again. I knew Tristan wouldn't allow me to apologize again for my unseemly behavior, but I couldn't help wanting too. Brushing his hair back from his handsome face, I ask,

"What about when I was asleep for the past three days? Anyone come to the door or anything?"

Again he shakes his head. "No one bothered us."

That made me worried. If Lincoln had dropped me off, then where the hell did he go off too? Just then the sound of my phone starts going off. I quickly sat up with dread. What if that was Han? I've been gone for days without going to do what I was supposed to do. On top of that, Baxter was supposed to be with me at all times outside the mansion and he wasn't.

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