Chapter Twenty Seven

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I was completely and utterly fascinated by this place. While I did have a certain freedom before I was locked up permanently, I was never allowed anywhere other than home and school. I wasn't even allowed to attend school festivities.

So, this was definitely a first for me. The mixture of so many wonderful smells of food, the sounds of yelling, laughter, and joy, filled me with an unwavering sense of being an outsider. I wasn't sure if I was going to start crying or not.

It was all so overwhelming.

While Axel seemed to be irritated and impatient waiting in the long line to enter, I embraced it. I've never been around so many people like this before. People of all different ages, sizes, different was absolutely wonderful. I stood there next to him not helping but to people watch as we slowly moved through one of the lanes to get to one of the dozens of booths that were set up.

There were so many people around my own age, some even younger. While it looked like a lot of people, I'm realizing that this town wasn't very big, and it made me wonder if this was basically everyone. I was amazed at how many people, young people, were out on their own with no adult supervision.

But while I was fascinated by everything around me there was one thing I couldn't quite shake off. And I wasn't sure what that one thing is. I felt a little on edge, my body shaking just a bit. Was it because of the large group of people present?

A slight anxiety flushed through me that I was having a hard time getting rid of. I wanted to have fun, not be overcome with uneasiness. Instead of focusing on that I decide to focus on the commotion that was happening at one of the booths in front of us.

Some people were beginning to get really loud, and it didn't sound pleasant. I frown as three men who looked to be around Axel's age, maybe older, arguing with another gentlemen that was beet red in the face as he curses them out. What looked to be either his kids or grandkids stood just behind him looking a bit scared and worried.

I couldn't hear what was going on, but it was loud enough to get surrounding attention from onlookers. Axel tenses next to me. I quickly look up at him wondering why he seemed so on edge. He was staring right at the men, his jaw tight, his lips turning thin, and his eyes were hard.

He had his arms crossed tightly against his chest, a chest I just realize was all hard muscle. The way the long sleeve shirt he was wearing tightened and stretched against his pecs...totally made me realize and hyper aware of his body.

How have I not realize how fit he was? It completely distracted me from what was going on and sensing his displeasure of what was happening before us went straight out the window as images of touching and doing dirty things to that chest swarmed my brain.

Was I ashamed? Nope.

Was I embarrassed? Possibly, if he knew what the hell I was thinking just then.

Last night wasn't far from my thoughts. I played it over and over again. The way he had made me feel was something I didn't know I was even craving. I've never felt something so intense, so electrifying, than I did with him.

Not even James caused the raging emotions to burst out of me and at the time, being my fourteen-year-old self, I thought I had felt the wonders of intimacy. Boy did Axel blow that straight out of the solar system. I could still feel him on my lips, my hands, and places I don't even want to mention.

But I was too shy to ask for more. To naïve to know what more could even consist of. I may be inexperience but looking at him, even in a state of angry frustration, he was damn sexy making me want to attack him right here in the line with all these people watching.

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