Chapter Forty Seven

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*Third Party POV*

"Well, you were right. As long as that Alpha is around it's going to be impossible to grab him. But I found out some interesting news while I was there." Bret stated over the phone as he had parked on the side of the highway a few miles out of town.

He waited there to try and catch Cameron's small beat-up Camry. But an hour has passed, and he still hasn't seen him drive by. He wasn't sure how long that party was going to last on for, but he'd wait here all night if he had to.

"What information did you find?"

He smirks as he looks out the side view mirror watching as a few cars drive by. Waiting until they passed him, he sighs knowing none of them were Cameron's.

"Apparently your little Omega is left home alone quite often. No one there to keep a close watchful eye on him, doing as he pleases. Completely unguarded. I would say wait until the right opportunity when the town's asleep and snatch him up before the town's awake again. You'll just have to find the right person who's willing to do it though, because it won't be me."

He rubs his sore jaw tenderly, where a cut in his cheek still hurt when Axel had punched him, slicing it right open with his teeth. Scowling, anger washes over him that he didn't get the chance to kick the Alpha's ass for that one. But with all those people there and being outnumbered he was in an unsavory situation to do anything.

"There's no need for that. I already have someone in mind that won't care to get there and haul his ass back to the city whether that fucker is there or not." The man on the other line growls.

"It seems they may have bonded." Bret warns.

"Like I fucking care if they did or not. All the more reason to take him from him. The bond will make them both go slowly insane not being around each other. And I want to see that little omega fall apart as it tears him into insanity."

"You're one twisted fucker, you know that." Bret frowns.

"That little bitch won't get away by tempting and teasing me just to get his Alpha boyfriend to send me in the hospital. They're both going to suffer, and I'll make sure it's by my hands that they do. Get Craig to keep a look out when the Alpha leaves again. Tell him to wait until the Omega is completely alone before calling in."

"Yeah, yeah," Bret rolls his eyes.

"Oh and Bret, don't fuck me over. I would hate to tell my old man what you've been doing in his clubs with those call boys. As I last heard, you went so rough on one of them that he nearly died."

Bret stiffens at the threat, his jaw clenching as he tightens his hand on the steering wheel. "Don't worry, I won't."

"Good. Call me when the deed is done." The line goes dead as Bret curses his luck.

Jonathan Elston throws the cell across the hospital bed where he sat staring out the five-story window. The room was dark and cold. His father paying extra to have him his own room where he wouldn't be disturbed. Bandages wrapped around his head, half his face, his nose was broken, and he had a fracture arm. Not to mention his genitals were so swollen that he could barely move an inch without the heavy pain medication they gave him.

The doctor told him he may never be able to perform right again.

And it was all thanks to that Omega and Alpha. He knew who the Omega was since James told him everything that he could about him. But the Alpha was a bit harder. He showed them the Nolan Clan symbol, which meant he was harder to obtain information on. And he wasn't sure if he should proceed to find out.

His father may be on good terms with Han Nolan, but when it comes to their dealings that was far trickier. But as far as he was concerned, Tristan was fair game that the Nolan's may not even know about. He vaguely remembers hearing in on one of his father's conversations that Han's son, Lincoln, was looking for a male Omega.

But he didn't think they knew about this one. Was the man hiding him from them? Hm, not like it matters since he plans to keep the Omega to himself. Locking him up and pounding into his body every single day until he was sick of him and no longer any use to him.

But first, he wanted to find that Alpha and kill him without anyone hearing of it. No one embarrasses and humiliates him the way that fucker did and gets away with it. First, he was going to make him watch as he forces himself on his Omega then he was going to make Tristan watch as he has his men beat him to near death before he himself slits his throat.

He had it all planned out while he laid here day after day seething with rage and bitterness that nothing was being done. Now that he was able to move around a little better it was time to start acting out on his plan and he knew exactly who to call to get it started.

He snatches his phone up and retrieves the number one of his men was able to dig up. It was late into the night, but he didn't give two shits After a few rings a disgruntled voice barks out,

"Who the fuck is calling so god damn late?!"

He sneers as he says, "Shut the fuck up and listen closely old man. You've been searching for your nephew, right? Well I knew exactly where he is, but first we need to make a deal."

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