Chapter Sixty One

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I spit the pooling blood from my mouth onto the ground. I had woken up in a daze to find myself chained to a chair down in some sort of basement. It was dark, cold, and smelled like mold. A single light swung over my head, and I instantly knew what was going to happen to me.

            Everything came back to me with a force, remembering that Tristan was out cold on the couch in Han's room. Gaining recognition of that threw my mind and body in a tailspin of fear and anger. I don't know how long I've been out, nor what they have been doing to him. All I was aware of is needing to get myself out of this situation and get to him asap.

            But as I was trying to figure how I could get out the chains, the door slams open and three big, muscled men came into the room followed by the man I desperately wanted to kill myself. I didn't recognize the men, but one thing sure stood out.

            All three were Betas.

            I watched them cautiously, waiting to see what they were going to do. But it wasn't like I could do anything. I was completely and truly chained down, my arms to my sides as the metal ringed itself around me multiple times. Even my ankles were chained to the legs of it.

            "You really think you had me fooled, didn't you?" Han starts out as he stands over me looking a bit intimidating with the light casting down over his massive form.

            I had a hard time seeing him as one of my eyes was sealed shut from the swollenness from being hit in the face repeatedly. My chest and side were in piercing pain, and I was sure there were a few broken ribs. But while my entire body was throbbing I still gazed up at him with the hatred I felt, showing him absolutely no fear whatsoever.

            The fucker could go to hell for all I cared. If I was going to die here right now, I was damn sure going to make him see that his presence, his very existence didn't affect me one damn bit. And the only thing stopping me from dominating over him was Tristan.

            As long as he had him, I couldn't risk anything.

            If I submerge him with my overpowering pheromones once more those Beta bastards were going to plummet on me again. I couldn't help it the first few times when he had first shown up.

            He stares down at me with such malice that his pheromones were desperately trying to get me to react to them. But I hold back waiting to see what he will do next. When I don't answer him and just look away since his face was hurting my vision he slaps me hard across the face, the rawness of my sensitive skin causing my nerves to burst with pain.

            I hiss, even though that action hurt just as much from the busted lip that I had.

            "I knew something was going on for months now. I just didn't know what it was until I felt that slut's pheromones that he couldn't control the day he left for America." Han grits. "The looks were a dead giveaway as well."

            I close my eyes at his words. I had hoped that my birth father has been more subtle than I knew him to be. It had been a hard and difficult day for him when Tommy left, and then again when he left the mansion himself. Apparently, we didn't fool him after all.

            "And then to learn that you purposely kept that Omega to yourself, knowing that Lincoln had been searching for someone like him for the past two years, pisses me off more than anything." He growls out next.

            He then leans down to my level, snatching my head back forcing me to look at him. His grin was sickening as his eyes held such glee.

            "But not to worry. We aborted that parasite that you left in his womb and Lincoln is defiling and planting his own seed as we speak."

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