Chapter Forty Five

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As soon as I walked through the door, I knew something was wrong. The back of my neck started to itch and burn with a sense of uneasiness and fear. I instantly knew it wasn't me that was feeling this way. I felt the pheromones more than I could smell them. And rage was sent through me as I ignore people trying to get my attention as I rush through the area, my instincts guiding me where I needed to go.

When I reached the living room my blood went near boiling when I saw my mate looking terrified at some stranger I had never seen before, who was wearing a Siamese grin on his twisted face, leaning to damn close to him. I didn't bother to think beyond that point. I marched right up to him just in time to hear him finish saying,

"Now that's interesting." In a sleezy kind of way.

My fist connected to his jaw so hard that he went flying through my sliding glass door, shattering it to pieces. I don't heed the people around us or the fact the party was in full swing. I couldn't see anything beyond the fact that this perverted slime ball was making Tristan very uncomfortable.

"Who the fuck do you think you are immersing your filthy pheromones on my Omega." I growl with such anger and hate that I couldn't rein it in even if I wanted too.

It was also taking everything within me to keep my own pheromones in check. I knew they were strong, and there were other Omegas and Alphas present. While this jackass didn't seem to care that he was affecting others with his stench, I did.

I stare down at the bastard as he slowly picks himself up in a sitting position rubbing his jaw, blood dripping from his mouth. I was ready to pound him into the ground if he wanted an ass whooping but before I could take another step, soft warm hands touch my skin, instantly calming me down. Not enough to appease my anger, but enough to get the fog lifted from my brain and focus on the boy beside me.

"Axel." His tone was light and gentle but held a bit of warning too.

Suddenly my entire attention was on him and him alone. I clasp my hands on his cheeks frowning with worry that he looked paler than usual, and sweat had beaded his skin. He was trembling with his eyes a bit wild from the fear that he just endured. But when our skin connected it was like my strength was pulled into him and I could physically and emotionally feel him relaxing in my embrace.

Grabbing my wrists with his hands he gives a relieved sigh. Closing his eyes, he rubs his face further into my palms like my touch alone could bring him peace. I pull my body closer to him, resting my forehead against his, releasing a sigh of my own.

"What the hell happened?!" Sia slams up on the wooden porch of the patio looking down at the man that was now starting to get up.

He ignores the man and instantly comes to Tristan's side. "Did he mess with you?" He demands, not even bothering to look in my direction.

I didn't mind since my focus has gone back to the asshole that was somehow invited into my home. I was bracing myself for any ongoing attack he may do as he stares me down. I move in front of them staring him down right back when we all hear,

"Bret?! What the hell are you doing here?!" Cameron comes outside from behind us looking pissed and confused as all hell.

"Hey, Cam. Just thought I would drop by and say hi." He said awkwardly as he continues to rub his jaw.

He winces when he pulls out a piece of glass from his upper shoulder. Now that I could get a good look at him, he was partially covered in cuts from the blasting through the glass. I didn't feel guilty one bit. But the fact that the two of them knew each other sent annoyance through me. Was Cameron aware the fucking prick was a douche?

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