Chapter Sixty Three

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Someone was calling my name.

I rouse from the deep sleep that my body had put me in. Slowly opening my eyes my memory of the past few days starts flooding back. After leaving the mansion with Lincoln, he had placed me in one of the fancy limousines that was already started and waiting for him. He told me just to wait here and that he wouldn't be long. He shut the door behind me, and I watched him talk to someone that was just off to the side, then left back inside the large home.

Relaxed and no longer afraid of what was going to happen to me, but worried about Axel, I guess my body had enough and before I knew it I fell into a deep, dreamless slumber. Now someone was calling my name gently and I smile at the sound of his voice.

"Tristan." His deep smooth tone rakes my body in a soothing calm.

I turn my face toward the sound and at first my smile grew until I saw his face. I jerk up in a sitting position, a gasp of horror already leaving my lips as I stared at him.

"What happened to you?!" I practically cried out, reaching for his battered cheeks, one of his eyes swollen shut.

Tears sprang to my own as I look him over to see he was in such horrible shape. It was clear he had been beaten. But knowing he was okay, that he was still alive brought so much joy inside that I couldn't complain on the situation at hand. He was here and that was all that mattered.

He grabs my shaking hands into his own and tries to smile but was having difficulty doing so. He winces as if it brought him pain, making my heart clench wanting to take that pain away from him.

"I'll be fine, love. I'm so glad to see you're not harmed. How's the baby?" He reaches between us and softly strokes my stomach where little bean laid, unharmed.

"Little bean is fine, we both made it out." I whisper, wanting to get closer to him.

"They didn't hurt you, did they? You look way to thin for my liking." He tries to frown but with half of his face swollen it looked more like a grimace than anything.

"It was tough the first couple of days, but as you can see, we're both fine." I reassure him, not going into details of what really happened and what Han tried to do to our baby.

He had enough to worry about and besides, I wanted to focus more on him and his recovery of what they did to him.

"What about you? You don't look fine, Axel." I chastise him, wanting to roam my hands all over his body to check what injuries were hiding from my view.

He wore a plain light blue collared shirt that fit him a little too well and some black slacks, which was sort of an odd combination for him to wear normally. I frown seeing dark stains on the thighs of his pants, yet his shirt was perfectly clean.

Seeing the direction of my eyes and my confused frown he says softly, "My dad had his baby, and I gave the shirt I was wearing to wrap her in, so she didn't get cold."

My head snaps up with my eyes going wide at his declaration. "Andi gave birth? Wait, I thought he was in America?"

"There is so much I have to tell you, babe. But right now I want to know why you're wearing my bothers clothes and surrounded in his scent?"

My face flushes at the memory of what happened and why I was in the state that I was in currently. I was hoping to keep the horrible details from him since it was something he didn't need to deal with right now. But seeing the slight yellow in his eyes he wasn't going to allow me to get away of just brushing him off.

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