Chapter Fifty Five

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I was just turning the knob of my bedroom door when Baxter comes around the corner and states,

"Han wants you in his office." With that he walks away back to where he came from.

I frown. It wasn't unusual for Han to be looking for me, it seems he always was now that Andi was gone, and Lincoln couldn't be bothered to let his old man know he was still alive and kicking it somewhere, but the fact that he sent Baxter to grab me was weird.

He just calls me on my cell to bark at me to get in his office.

Feeling a little on edge I head for his office on the other side of the mansion. Being a little wary I notice something that I didn't before. As I walked through the house I didn't see another single person around. Normally there were guards at the door or some of the men lounging about the common areas, but right at this moment there wasn't anyone around.

I slow down when I turn the corner to see two men guarding Han's door, but that wasn't what bothered me. No, it was the fact that his first faction was standing around in the hall, sitting on the sofas that were placed just down the way and they all turned to look at me as soon as I made my appearance.

They were previously talking, but now they became so silent I could probably hear a pin drop. My anxiety rises along with my defenses. Something was definitely wrong. I stop in front of the door waiting to see what the two standing on the sides would do. They both just stare at me coldly.

Since neither of them looked like they were going to open the door I go ahead and knock. As soon as I hear Han's bark to enter did I walk through the door. I didn't even get a chance to walk past the thresh hold before one of the guards comes up behind me and kicks me right in the back of my thigh to throw me off my balance and land on my hands and feet.

I grunt, my fight or flight kicking right in. Unlike last time I wasn't going to allow them to start kicking and hitting me, I immediately roll out of the way as the other's foot came crashing down right where I was just at. I don't know what I did wrong this time, but it was serious as I quickly stood back up to get into fight mode just to see Han's office to be completely packed with more of his men.

I quickly scan the room and my eyes stop on the last thing I didn't want to ever see. Fear speared through me as much as rage did. There was my Tristan gagged and bound on the ground passed out just a few feet from me. There was a red mark across his cheek that looked slightly swollen.

I would have played this out, pretended like I didn't know anything about him, but seeing him there, seeing him treated like he was some animal, seeing the mark on his pale smooth skin flew me with such rage that I didn't even bother to keep it in.

At this point I didn't care anymore because they all fucked with something that was far more important to me than anything else in this entire universe. All the pent up anger, resentment, hatred, and humiliation over the years spilled out as I finally, for the first time in front of him, let out the full force of my Alpha pheromones.

"W-What t-the h-hell?!" I hear one of the men say as I watch every single one of them fall to their knees, choking on the fumes. Even Han was brought down to the ground, his face turning red as he tries to loosen the shirt collar around his neck as if that could help him breathe any easier.

"Y-You little b-bitch! A-All this f-fucking time?!" He seethes out with difficulty, his forehead already covered in sweat.

So much for being the dominant Alpha of the Clan. My pheromones were far too much for him it seemed. I purposely walk to my mate, who was still not waking up or moving. It still didn't make sense on how Han had found him, unless he had me followed hands become still at the notion that Lincoln had been playing me for a fool all along.

Was this his end goal? He knew about Tristan longer than I liked. The selling of our birth father to a fake buyer, the offering of keeping my home and my mate a secret, was it all just to get to this point and expose me? Was any of it even real?

"B-Bastard, I I weren't n-no fucking B-Beta! I s-should have killed y-you...along with y-your pathetic father!" Han was panting now as he struggled with getting back on his feet.

Clenching my hands, I made sure that nothing else was wrong with Tristan and our baby. Feeling his heart rate and the slight rounded hardness of his abdomen I sighed in relief to see both where normal. Picking him up into my arms I gently lay him down on the lounge chair that was in the room.

He didn't even stir and that worried me since usually my pheromones always had gotten some kind of reaction out of him, even in deep sleep. I gently caress his swollen jaw and clench my teeth. Standing back up, I face Han. Once he looks up at me he falters, and I see a slight fear race through his eyes.

"Who the hell touched him?" I growl menacingly.

Han gives me a death glare as he grips the side of his desk to pull himself up. I submerge my pheromones even further to keep him down.

"Who. Touched. Him?" My voice runs even deeper with my anger.

"You p-piece of shit." He grinds his teeth with the hatred he had for me.

I know I should just grab Tristan and walk out of there and never look back. But my inner wolf wouldn't allow it as I look down at the man that ruined mine and my birth father's life, at the man that murdered my father and robbed us of the love we had known and should have grown with over the years. But while I desperately wanted to destroy him I couldn't blame him for everything.

He allowed Thomas to find us and cherish my birth father like he always should have been, who were giving me another sibling, who guided me to a love that I never knew I desperately needed.

Because of him I found Tristan, who became my entire world.

"I should kill you for everything that you did to my family. You made my life growing up a living hell. The things I had to endure and the torment of being just in your presence made me fill up with so much hate and bitterness that I had vowed that once my birth father was free of you I would make sure your death was slow and painful."

His body shakes, but I could tell he was trying to hold off from showing it to his men. Not like they were paying much attention since they were too busy fighting off my pheromones themselves.

"You're going to regret this boy." He seethes.

I turn around, tired of looking at his disgusting face. I walk back to my mate and go to pick him up but then something hard hits the back of my head nearly knocking me unconscious. I stagger to the ground as pain shoots through my skull causing my eyesight to almost black out. I gasp at the sharp pain and look up to see a tall figure standing over me.

"Seems you forget that some of us are actual Betas. You're Alpha pheromones doesn't do shit to me." The man states.

"God damn it Truman! Get on with it already!" Han barks at him as he begins to start regaining his composure while my scent weakens from the pain that was inflicted on my head.

He goes to swing the object at me again but then falters as I slam to the ground no longer able to move as nausea hits hard and my vision starts to completely fade.

"No need. He won't last much longer."

My vision blurs as I see Han fully stand and walk up to me.

"Who said your birth father was free? Did you honestly think I didn't know that slut was carrying someone else's bastard? You really thought you had me, didn't you?" He pulls on my hair to crank my neck back until pain shot down my spine from the action.

My heart jumps in horror that he knew. The last thing I hear him say is,

"Oh and that little bitch of yours doesn't belong to you." He slams my face back to the ground as he says, "Take that Omega to Lincoln's room. Strip him and chain him up. It's time that ungrateful son of mine produces an heir." Then my world goes completely dark.

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