Chapter Sixteen

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I close the door and lean my head against the wood, trying to catch my breath. His pheromones were playing havoc on my brain. Deep down I knew he wasn't meaning to release them. It was like he didn't even know how to control himself and how could he when he's basically been locked up his whole life?

Did they even train him on how to hold himself back when it came to his heat and pheromones? The story of him being thrown in that death trap came to mind. He said they locked him down in that basement when his heat cycle came because they couldn't deal with his overwhelming fumes.

Which means they didn't even bother to help him learn.

Tristan was a walking lust magnet and he's not even aware of it at all. Which is big trouble where I'm concerned. Everyone in this household shouldn't be affected other than myself.

Cameron was an omega, so while he can sense others it won't affect him like it would an Alpha. Sia was blood relations so he wouldn't be affected either, which is why I didn't understand that their uncle would be so opposed to Tristan's heat cycle.

Thomas was bonded with my birth father. So, while he can still feel the affects of Tristan's pheromones it wasn't lust that he would feel but rather disgust and nauseated instead. Because when you're bonded with somebody you are bound to them and them only for the rest of your life.

My body was slightly shaking from the ordeal. I was desperately trying to hold back from ripping this door open and marching right into that shower and have my absolute way with him. But that would just terrify him more. I didn't want to scare him, didn't want him to be scared of me.

So, I quickly back away from the thing that was protecting him right now and get the hell away from that room and back down the stairs because I was barely holding on by a damn thread.

As soon as I hit the last step of the stairs, I throw my night clothes on the couch and march right out into the night from the sliding door that was there on the side. The night air hits me like an icy cold balm to my raging heated emotions and I felt like I could breathe again.

"Axel?" Thomas slowly comes up from behind me.

I was breathing heavily as I turn to look at him and seeing his expression, I already didn't want to hear what he had to say. Instead, I turn away from him while shaking my head to make him understand to not even start the conversation he wanted started.

But the asshole doesn't listen.

"Maybe it's best we place him somewhere else-"

"NO." I growl.

"Axel, he hasn't been awake for five hours and already he's affecting you."

"He doesn't know what he's doing-"

"All the more reason he should be placed somewhere else. The boy doesn't know how to control himself. I've been watching you since we entered that basement, and something is definitely different with this one."

I clench my teeth in irritation at his words. "What the hell is that supposed to mean Tommy?" I bit out, swinging my gaze right back at him, trying to hold in my anger.

"Look at you. I know you can get a temper, but're not like yourself. You keep snapping at everyone, keep trying desperately to hold yourself back with your Alpha pheromones."

He takes a step closer to me and lays a hand gently on my shoulder making me tense up at his touch.

"I've known you since you were six years old. I've trained you to the best of my ability to close off your status from the rest of the world. I've watched you with your previous relationships, all of them and not once, not a single time have you ever acted like how you're acting right now. I'm telling you; something is different."

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