Chapter Seventeen

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I couldn't sleep.

I just lay there on this massive bed staring up at the ceiling trying to feel tired. But it just wouldn't come. It was early in the morning. Judging by the dim sunlight outside the window, I would say around five or earlier is my guess.

Even though I was wide awake, I also didn't want to get up off this bed. There was just something about this room that made me feel comfortable, relaxed, and safe. The scent wafting around me, surrounding me like a blanketed embrace, was warm and inviting.

I didn't want to leave it. Ever.

But I knew I had too. It wasn't my room since it belonged to him. An involuntarily shudder skims over my whole body just thinking about him. I was confused on my reactions to Axel. I didn't understand why I was having such strong feelings towards him. I didn't even know the guy, so why was I so attracted?

A blush heats my skin as I bury my face into the soft comfortable pillows. There was this strong scent of fresh rain and fresh pine mixed with apple cinnamon that wouldn't go away. It was addicting and I literally wanted to bury myself in the fabric and lay there all day, every day. But I had to get up. He said he had set up a room for me and I slightly hoped that it was just as amazing as this room was.

Moaning in displeasure I made myself sit up while still clutching the comforter close to my body. I gaze around the room and take it in for the first time. It was spacious with its warm colors of a darker tone. The walls were a smooth beige assented with dark wood baseboards. There was a large bookcase against one wall filled with books, a few picture frames, some tiny potted plants, and keepsake boxes.

The personal items were calling out to me, and I couldn't help but getting out of bed and heading straight for them. The first photo I look at was of a young man embracing a young child from behind of maybe five or six, both smiling at the camera. The man was so beautiful I couldn't help but stare at him.

I instantly knew he had to be an Omega, like myself. But there was something...sad about him. He was smiling in the picture, but his eyes seemed distant and broken. I look at the child in his arms and knew without a doubt that it was Axel as a child. There was no mistaking his features.

At this age you could already tell he was going to grow up to be an Alpha. But while his birth father, whom I was pretty sure this man is, whose sadness was hiding behind a smile, Axel was purely happy.

Maybe because he was in the arms of someone he truly and desperately loved. Looking back at the young man I was more curious now than I was just a few seconds ago to know what that sadness was and why it was there.

But I doubt I'll ever find out.

As an Omega, I couldn't help but wonder about others like me and what their stories were. Other than Cameron, I had never met a male Omega before. And to see that Axel was birthed by one made me even more curious to learn about him.

I gently graze the tip of my finger along the frame of the picture, a part of me desperate to know more. Sighing heavily, I move on. There were a few books on our Earth's wonders of life and similar books to it. There were even a few on outer space and galaxies.

Seems Axel was a man who was highly interested on new discoveries and the unknown of the world.

I smile at that.

There were a few trinkets and statues of cats. Which I find endearing. Our genetics are based on wolves and felines weren't exactly a species we particularly get along with. Even the simple house pets of cats.

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