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It was finally our day off in weeks. We had been on back-to-back cases, causing all of us to be exhausted and, for me, over stimulated. I felt like all my senses were exhausted to the point where I couldn't handle much. Once Aaron and I arrived home, I started cooking something small for dinner, chicken and rice and a veggie.

Aaron had gone into his office to finish the paperwork, I would assume. As if he didn't work enough as it was.

Once dinner was finished, I placed the food on the plate, adding any condiment that I knew Aaron would eat with it. I sat my plate on the counter and picked up Aaron's plate to bring to him.

I knocked on the door lightly because I knew it was a rough week, and we both were exhausted. I opened the door as I heard him on the phone.

"Hey, I have your dinner," I whisper. The lines of stress and agitation upon his face, along with his agitated tone.

"Not right now!" He whispered, yelled still with a cold stare.

I instantly walked out of the room, feeling my tears brimming my eyes. I sat his plate in the microwave along with mine and went into our bedroom upstairs.

All my senses officially explode, tears were streaming out of my eyes, and my mind was running through what I did wrong and why he was mad at me.

Those thoughts kept going in a whirlwind as I settled under the blankets curling into myself, with tears streaming down my face. Muffled sobs were erupting from my body like they had been slowly uncaged.

An hour later, I still felt the hurt in my chest, the tears had slowed but the thoughts were still there.

I barely heard the door open. "Y/n?" Aaron whispered softly. I was too upset to reply. The tears came back again. 

He walked to his side of the bed and pulled the blanket away from my face. His face changed from concern to worry. "I am so sorry Y/n" he whispered. 

I still didn't feel like moving. I felt my heart rate pick up to the point of short breaths of panic. 

Aaron sat down and came closer continuing with his soft gentle voice.

"I am so sorry baby; I wish I never yelled. I am just stressed out, but that's no excuse, you did not deserve that at all. I am so sorry." 

"I-" I started to mumble up. He pulled me closer to his side. 

He continued to rub my back as I calmed down. My voice was still scratchy. "You yelled and I was overstimulated. What did I do wrong?" 

"You did nothing wrong; I took my stress out on you which I never should have done. Strauss was on the phone getting mad at me for giving the team a 4-day break to just recuperate. You did everything right even with you feeling overstimulated but still making dinner. I should have never treated you like that." He replied gently.

"I shouldn't have come in to bother you. I'm sorry" 

"Every time I see you. I am reassured that things are okay. In that moment, I barely was focused on anything. I hung up on Strauss seconds later. I felt so mad at myself for making you upset, you never deserved it." 

"It's okay. I know it is hard."

"It isn't but I am really sorry, and I will make it up to you, I am sorry." Aaron replied. 

"We will work on it. It happens, the important part is we come together and talk about it and come up with things that can help." I replied. I sat up with him following. I stood up as did he and I hugged him.

"I love you" I mumbled.

"I love you too" I reply. 

Once we pulled away, we got ready for bed too tired to take a shower. Laying down we both cuddled to each other. 

"It's us against the world. One day at a time. Through all the highs and lows. it's me and you" I whisper kissing the side of his face.



I hope you like it!!! Hope you all are having a good week! and if not just keeping going one day at a time. -Ginger135

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now