Night stalking🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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I kind of liked making the highschool pov before so I want to make another one. Thoughts?

⚠️- night time stalking, dragged a little.

Late at night I tossed and I turned and I dreamed of what I need. I NEED A HERO. Kidding kidding on to the one-shot.

We were on a case in Vegas for 5 woman being abducted on Friday and found dead on Sunday. They were all last scene on either Wells union Street. Or on Raven Rd. Which were right next to eachother just separated by a dealership, nursing home, and a small Cafe with houses on both sides. Now that I think of it. I wonder how often someone from the nursing home escapes and heads to either the Cafe or car-dealship. Anyway. Emily and I were both the unsubs type so we both walked on the sidewalk of opposite roads.

Aaron was talking in my ear peace. Constantly asking if I could see anything and I had to keep calming him down. He is one heck of a protective boyfriend that's for sure. Morgan did the same on Emilys end.

They were parked blocks away to stay out of sight. Emily and I were connected to both and have a button on us that calls for back up especially for eachother in closer range.

I could hear a person's steps behind be but I didn't dare to look behind.

"Y/n. Anything" Aaron's voice came through.

I mumbled as loud but at quiet for them to hear. "I feel someone behind me but don't think it's safe to turn back"

"Ft Rossi" Aaron said and I got confused.

I picked up my phone smiling as Rossi was already ft me.

"Hello princess. Are you almost here?" He asks.

"OH father of course. I'll be their in about 5 minutes" I smiled back facing the camera to the side to see if I could catch a glance at the steps behind me.

"Perfect. Your sister is done with work tonight and is already here waiting for you" He smiles. I knew he was talking about Emily not getting anything over their.

"Great. è il soggetto ignoto?" I ask. (Is it the unsub?)

"Certo. I am so glad you and your sister remembered my language" (yes)

"Of course. I love it just as much as I love you" I smile internally cringing. I love Rossi as family but I just felt awkward with that one.

"Te amo" he replies back. (Love you)

"How far away are you?" He asks gently.

"I am about to pass-" I kept hearing foot steps get louder.
"Aaron's house" I say. That was a code word.

"Wonderful. How was your day" he asks continuing the conversation.

I heard the footsteps. Even closer. I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me backwards.

I saw the unsub smiling as he dragged me to someone's yard. I fought back as I heard the sirens coming closer and closer.

"Stop it. You'll ruin it Amber" I was caught off guard but kept fighting. Amber was his wife that played strip poker eith him when he was a teen she recently died in a car accident so now that is his motive.

I got enough weight to pull my body away as he pushed and pulled again.

"FBI. NEIL LET THE GIRL GO." Hotch yelled.

He let go backing away slowly as I felt my air finally come through my lungs easier then being dragged. I stayed on the ground in case shots were fired.

"Reid came over and lifted me up getting away as Hotch and Morgan arrested the guy.

"You okay mama?" Morgan asks. I nod as Aaron walks towards me.

"You okay?" He asks hugging me.

I nodded. "Do I have competition with rossi?" He whispers.

I laughed "I know it felt weird as I said it the way I did too. I love you" I say.

"I love you too princess" he smiles walking us back to the SUV's.

I started writing thid as the early am of like 1 or 4am so I honestly have no idea what I wanted with this story. Its a lot more y/n pov then anything so my apologies on that part. Next one is starting as soon as this is published.

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