Jack's Crush

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Aaron and Y/n have been in a few month-long relationship and Jack wasn't officially aware they were together, and he has developed a little crush on the girl that always is around and playing avengers with him.

"Daddy" Jack calls out from his room. He had finished getting his Pj's on and was already covered up for bed waiting for his nightly routine. 

"Good job buddy" Aaron walked in seeing Jack ready.

"Alright, Favorite things that happened today?" Aaron asks. 

"Y/n and me played with Captain America and Ironman and you made really yummy dinner" Jack states.

"Well thank you. I had an awesome helper. hmm...My favorite things that happened today was I got to spend time with you and Y/n without anything happening after work hours and I'd have to agree dinner was good" He hummed in reply. 

"Okay next we say goodnight to mommy" Jack says with his small peaceful smile. It became a nightly routine when Jack had a nightmare and Y/n helped calm him down and found this has a very helpful solution.

"Dear mommy, I had a good day today. Daddy made my favorite! Spaghetti. Y/n and I played with superheroes too it was fun. I also have a crush. I miss you mom and I love you a lot" Jack finishes off blowing a kiss to the sky. 

"You have a crush?" Aaron asked with a grin. 

"Yeah" He smiles. 

"Since you need to go to bed. Will you tell me your crush tomorrow?" Aaron asks kissing Jacks' forehead softly walking towards the doorway.

"Maybe. Night love you daddy" He smiles. 

"I love you too buddy" Aaron replies turning the nightlight on and shutting the door. 

Little did Aaron know his son had the same taste in girls as himself. 


Saturday Morning:

Jack awoke from his good dreams and was ready for the plan to be in action. 

He crawled out of bed and smelled his dad's chocolate chip pancakes.

"Daddy, I need a rose and I need to make a phone call" Jack stated.

"Whoa-Wait a minute who do you need to call and who's the rose for" Aaron asked star struck. 

"I need to call y/n. I need a rose for someone" he said nervously.

"Okay bud. Why don't I call Y/n and maybe we can invite her over or meet her somewhere and will go from their okay?" 

"Okay. Can we facetime her?"

Aaron nodded. As soon as Jack finished eating and washed up, they both sat next to each other on the couch. He turned his phone on opening the FaceTime app. Jack got overly excited and tapped her name before his father had a chance too. (Y/n font, Aaron and Jack's font)

Y/n's face appeared on the screen. 

"Hi Y/n!" Jack exclaimed.

"Hi Jack! What's up?" She exclaims back with a smile on her face. 

"Daddy and I just finished breakfast and I need to talk to you" Jack smiles nervously. 

"What's up bud?"

"Daddy, can you leave" Jack asks.

(Switching to y/n as I)

Y/n looks a little surprised as does Aaron. 

"Sure bud" Aaron looked skeptical. 

After Aaron walked out of the room Jack looked back at the camera. "Okay Y/n. I have a really important question for you"

"What is it bud? It must be big if your dad is not allowed to hear" I smile. 

"Y/n will you go on a date with me?" Jack asks. 

"Uhm wow. I was not expecting this. Can I talk to a friend before I answer?

"Yeah. do you want me to go get daddy?" asked Jack. 

"Sure" I reply. 

"Daddy" Jack calls out. 

Aaron walked back in with the same skeptical face he left with. "Y/n needs friends so talk to her and call me when she is ready" 

Aaron's face changed in concern as Jack walked out. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Oh, not too much. I wanted to tell you I have been asked out on a date from a really cute guy". I smirk in reply.

"Who?" Aaron asks confused.

"Well, he is cute, smart, funny, has a hot dad and is very interested in Captain America"

Aaron's face changed into understanding "Ahh I see. So, you are his crush that I heard about last night" he smiles.

"I guess I am" I smile.

"Hmm... this may be tough. You know this cute captain America guy; his dad is pretty interested in you"

"Oh yeah that might be a problem" I stated.

"You ready for me to tell him?" Aaron asks. I nodded in agreement.

"Jack" Aaron yells. Jack came running back into the living room with a hopeful look among his face.

"Is Y/n ready to answer?" He asks excitedly. 

"Come here bud. Me and y/n need to talk to you about something" Aaron smiles nervously for his son's reaction. 

Jack came and sat down next to Aaron in camera view to me. 

"Listen buddy, Me and Y/n are seeing each other" Aaron trails off waiting for Jacks' reaction.

"Like she is your girlfriend?" He asks. 

Aaron nods as Jack looks at me. "So, you can't go on a date with me, can you?" He asks a little disappointed. 

"I can but it would have to be a playdate hangout with dad since your dad and I are in a relationship" I say smiling softly. 

"That would be perfect" Jack smiled. 

"So can we go on a date today?" Jack's smile widens. 

"It's up to your dad" I smile. 

Jack looked up at Aaron who was smiling even wider if possible. He nodded.

"YAY" exclaimed Jack. 

"So" I smile at Aaron. 

"So. You ready to spend your day with 2 of the best guys ever" He smiles. 

I nod "Of course. I even was asked on a date today this is the best day ever" I smile in a joking but non joking way. 


We hung up the phone after a few minutes longer and we met out at Jack's favorite place to play; The Park. 

"Y/n" Jack runs to hug me. 

"Hey buddy" I smile rubbing his back. 

"So, you are daddy's girlfriend?" he asks genuinely curious. 

"I am"

"So does that mean daddy is your boyfriend"

"It does"

"So that means we get to hangout a lot more?" he asks excitedly. 

"That It does" I smile.

We spent the day playing in the park, Ice cream, and ended it with a sleepover in a fort we all built in the living room. 

I apologize it's been a while. I am trying to think of one-shots to come up with. I hope you enjoyed and feel free to suggest and give feedback. I hope you are all doing well :)- Ginger135

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