Hold me while I cry

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I'm think scene where Archie was told his dad passed for main character. On the show Riverdale.

Readers pov

We were all at the bar down the road from Quantico. We had finally finished up on a two week case which ended with the unsub being corned and pleading guilty. We were all at a booth with chairs next to it. Aaron and I were sitting In the outer side chairs as jj and Emily were on the both next to me. While Reid and Rossi were In the booth and Morgan was in the chair next to them.

"Alright. I got a bet" Morgan said pointing at us all. "Y/n, I bet that..." He started to type on his phone and send it too me.

I opened my phone and chuckled. "Your on" I say. Aaron nudges my hand so he can see.

I bet that you can get boss man to give us a day off

Aaron chuckles.

"Derek, you only want a day off so you can go see Rachel" I say seeing him hide his blushing face.

We all laughed. My phone started to buzz as I picked it up to see the caller ID. It was New York city hospital. I excused myself as I saw Aaron's eyes look at me in concern.

I got outside in a well lit area and answered. "Hello" I say.

"Hi this is New York city hospital. I'm looking to talk to Y/n y/l/n?" The woman on the otherline said calmly.

"This is she" I started rubbing my fingertips together. A habit I picked up from Aaron.

"I'm sorry to inform you but Kathleen Y/l/n has passed away" she says.

I felt everything become blurry. Dropping my phone. My cheeks felt wet. The world was spinning. Pain illuminates through my heart and head. Tears kept falling. The world was spinning.

Aaron's Pov

It's been 5 minutes and normally I wouldn't mind but she's outside on her own.

"Go see her" my ears peaked out of my mind. Rossi had saw the worry etched on my face.

I got up heading out the door. I looked around until I spotted her on her knees crying.

I run to her.

"Y/n..y/n...Y/n" I kept repeating her name but she wasn't reacting. I saw her hyperventilate and I sat down behind her squeezing her chest to help her calm down. She still didn't react.

I tried coaching her "y/n. Hey. It's me okay. Your okay. I'm right here. You can do this okay" I say calmly. Feeling my own panic rise. She looks at me but doesn't react.

I squeezed her tighter knowing her only way to relax is to have a pressure on her. Her sensory issues must be on overload.

I saw her phone on the ground and picked it up.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello. Is Ms. Y/l/n okay?" She asks.

"Who is this?" I ask.

"This is the NYC Hospital. We called regarding a relative to y/n. May I ask how you know her and if she is okay?" She replied sadly.

I kept squeezing y/n I saw her shoulders going up and down from her breathing. "My name is SSA Aaron Hotchner I am y/n significant other. She is not okay. What is the call regarding?" I ask as straight as possible.

Y/n's whimpers started to slow down. "Kathleen y/l/n has passed away. Which as documented was Ms. Y/l/n sister" I nodded, not thinking of what she could see.

"What do we need to do?" I ask.

"We need to know where to transfer the body and for her belongings to be picked up," she replies. I thank her and hang up.

Y/n was calmed down as best as she could be.

"Hey," I say.

"She's gone," she mumbles.

"I know, baby," I say, hugging her.

I know it's probably not great but I have more soon to be finished one-shot to come!

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