Flirting Prank

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I had decided mischief today. Rossi was actually the one to come up with it, surprisingly enough. I think there are bets going around on how Aaron will react to it.

"I bet he will be jealous and clingy," Garcia added to the bets the team was making out.

"But how long until he starts to show that?" Emily asks.

"Typically speaking, alpha males tend to become 'jealous' within seconds of any flirting action taken. Our unit chief is no different, but I'm going to bet 3 minutes." Reid rambles.

This is how I was pulled into it. "What are we betting on my husband for?" I asked with a smile.

"Well, Il mio bambino, Derek, and Emily both came up with a prank of such with my help, of course. They are taking bets on how long it would take Aaron to get jealous and act on it if you were flirted with." He smiles his richest smile.

"Ahh, I see. Can I join this bet?" I ask with a smirk. If anyone knew Aaron, it'd would be me. I've spent 10 years being married to him but 15 together.

"I don't think it'd be fair," Reid states.

"True. You know Hotch better than anyone here, " JJ replies.

"I guess, but how about this? Whoever wins splits it in 3rds. I get 1/3, the person flirting gets 1/3, and the winner gets 1/3 plus bragging rights." I add on. They all agreed.

"Plus, someone may need money for the medical bill." I half joke, seeing the wide eyes of the team.

"Morgan should definitely be the one to flirt," Rossi adds. The team agrees.

"Alright. I want 2/4ths of it, though." He states.

"I don't think that'll work, though, since Morgan is ALWAYS charming, someone," Jj explained.

We decided on Liam from forensics, and oddly enough, he agreed.

After a day of work, we all decided to head to the bar. This is when Rossi agreed to start the plan.

"Hey, Mamas, want to dance?" Morgan asks from his position on the opposite side of Aaron.

"Sure," I smiled along with the girls. Squeezing Aaron's hand, I got up and walked a little ways from the booth, but enough to still be visible.

We all swayed to the music. Within 10 minutes, Liam had made his way over.

"What was your bet?" I whisper to Morgan.

"5 minutes." I nod.

The music started to rumble faster, as did our swaying. Soon enough, the music stopped, and a slower song started among the crowd.

Liam had gotten closer and held closer to me with his arms at my hips.

Aaron had gotten up and walked over.
"Excuse me, may I have this dance?" He stated more than asked.

"Wait, your turn," Liam said, and when I tell you, my jaw almost dropped.

"I wasn't really asking. Get away from my wife, " he stated once again with a serious glare.

Liam instantly backed away, Aaron had taken his place, pulling me closer to him. He grumbled a bit.

I looked at him with my famous smile. "The guy isn't very smart," Aaron grunted.

"Aaron! Be nice!" I said.

"He had his hands on your hips. He was way too close to you. He was giving you the eyes. " he stated seriously.

"Okay, the eye thing, their is no way Liam is into me like that for one, and for two, we're just dancing." I half smirk.

He gave me a knowing look. "That was planned, wasn't it?" He asked.

"Maybe," I smile, looking down to hide it.

Aaron pulled me even closer if it was possible as I laid my head against his chest.

"It was Rossi's idea. But for the truth of Liam, the team decided on him to flirt with me, but he is also very gay and very much married to Clark in terrorism." I chuckle.

"What was the bet?" He asked again, knowing as he smiled slightly embarrassed.

"Rossi, Emily, and Morgan came up with a bet to see how long it would take for you to get jealous and what you would do. I made sure that the bet was split in three. 1, for me, 1 for the person flirting, and 1 for the winner."

He held me tighter in a snug hug. "You all are going to be the death of me." he smiled. "Who won the bet?" He asks.

"Well, if I remember correctly, you kind of were clingy, jealous, so Garcia has at least half, and I think Reid also won."

"Well, at least it wasn't Morgan or Emily this time. I'm not sure I can handle another week of them, too, bragging about something. " We both laugh.

"I don't disagree" I smile.

"At least we get some money from this ordeal" he replied still slowly swaying to the music.

"Very true. We can go out to dinner with it!" I laugh.

"Sounds like a plan, my lovely wife. "

"I'm glad, my lovely husband." We both smile and continue to be in our own little bubble swaying to the music.

Hey All,

I am still open to requests of fluff and some angst! I have different things going on that may affect just everything in general, but bare with me and I'm so thankful for all the people who have read, commented, and or voted on any story!!


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