Highschool pov part 1

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Warnings ⚠️: Uncomfortable comments, swearing, smacking, little blood and kinda touchy but not like so bad it's inappropriate to read only like grabbing arms smacking butt etc) read at your own risk.

Background info:
Your in your senior year and you and Aaron have been dating for 6 years now but he is off on a camping trip in Missouri and won't be back till the coming weekend.

Here I am again. Hiding behind trees as the same 3 boys taunt me about my body and face. You'd think they'd smarten up by now. First week of senior year and they still act like 2 year-olds. I really wished Aaron was back from camp in Missouri. His family took him their and would be back this weekend. I missed him and his hugs. I haven't been able to even message him because he has no service or wifi until he gets back into civilization.

"What are you doing hiding over here short stack of fat. Where'd those pepperoni pieces go on your face. I was hoping for a taste" one of them said from behind me. (Did not mean to make that Rhyme only partially)

"Leave me alone Jackass" I say moving away from him.

He grabs at my arm pulling me back hard. "Let me go now" I say more sturdy.

"Or what?" He says.

"Let me go. Before I smash your fucking face in" I reply Turing around and throwing my fist at him. Hitting him square in the nose before he grabbed me tighter and started punching at my arms, stomach and chest.

He let go holding his nose and I could still feel my adrenaline pumping. I turned around and kept punching his face and chest getting him away.

"I wasn't lying. Keep your fucking hands off me. Got it!" I yell punching him one more time as he tried to interrupt. He ran in the opposite direction as I bent down a little catching my breath as my adrenaline slowed down.

"Ms. Y/l/n. Come to my office now" principal webber said.

I rolled my eyes in slight pain from the headache approaching.

As I sat down in his office. "You know violence is not the answer" he says angrily.

"He started it. He kept talking inappropriately to me and then he grabbed me not letting go and so I punched him and he hit multiple times back so let me hear it. Put me i-" I say as he cut me off.

"Ms. Y/l/n! If you would be quiet for a moment you would know. I'm suspending him and you will be in school detention on Monday and Tuesday." He says.

"K" I reply getting up and walking out it was Friday. Aaron comes back Saturday afternoon. I'm in detention on Monday and Tuesday. I have to somehow hide these injuries. If Aaron saw them nobody would get a chance to say sorry.

I went home and went to bed.

Next morning.

I didn't feel like talking to anyone today of course I'm happy Aaron will be back but I just. I don't feel like I can communicate today or be around anyone. So I locked myself in my room and slept the whole day through.

Monday came around as my parents constantly came up to my door telling me Aaron was their and wanted to see me and my reply was always "tell him I love him and I'll see him soon" I still didn't feel like talking but maybe I'll feel better seeing him.

I got ready for school and stood where I always wait for Aaron with my hoodie up and resting on my knees uo against the tree.

"Their you are beautiful" he says. I look up smiling softly.

"Hi" I say standing uo keeping my hoodie tight to my body as I hugged him wincing a little.

"I've tried to see you all weekend whats going on?"

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now