college rat

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3rd year of college and here I am standing on Aaron and I's bed running and trying to get as far away from this random pet rat as possible. Aaron and I rented an apartment a year ago and have lived in it ever since. But one of our neighbors has a pet rat that they let roam around which I find weird. At least in your apartment not in everybody else's. His face is cute but his tail makes me uncomfortable (I may be speaking from my own feelings of someone I knows pet rat 🤣). Aaron was in his profiling classes and I am all done for the day. Aaron doesn't get done till 4 and that is 2 hours from now. I sent him a quick message.

Hey. Neighbors rat in apartment. Help please

Hey babe, where is it and where are you?

Under the bed and I'm on the bed.

Okay. Stay their. I have 30 minutes before we get a half hour break snd I'll come home real quick. Message the neighbor.

Okay. Love you. Thank you. See you soon.

I love you too. See you soon. 


Hi Mikey. Your pet Rat is in my apartment again.

Hi, sorry I'm not home. My buddy Chuck is supposed to be looking after him. My apologies. I'll have a talk with him.

Now that, that was figured out. I hear a knock on the door.

I looked around the bed real quick before leaping off and making my way to the door.

I open the door to see a tall, muscular man with a creepish smile. Definitely not as assuring as Aaron's smile.

"Hi. How can I help you?" I ask. Pushing the door slightly closed.

"Well I'm trying to find my buddy's rat but this view isn't too bad" he replied.

Before I replied my thoughts were spread everywhere. When was Aaron gonna be here? I have the rat in my room but I cant tell him that. He's creeping me out. He flirted. Yuck. Only Aaron's Flirts are the ones I like. Plus this guy is just bleh.

"I'm sorry. I'm not interested" I say before closing the door as fast as possible when all of a sudden it stopped.

"Excuse me" I say looking around the door.

"My names Chuck. I'm sorry your just really beautiful. I'm just looking for my friends rat. Have you seen him?" He replied sorryful.

He seemed slightly better. I still wasn't sure. "Oh um. Thanks I guess. Mikeys rat is in here but I'm waiting for my boyfriend to get home to help me" I say. I slipped my phone in my hands and started recording.

"I can just come and get him. So you don't have to wait for your friend" he says.

"It's okay my Boyfriend will be home soon" I say making sure he hears the boyfriend part.

"No. It's alright I can do it" he says pushing through the door" I was pushed back as he walked around the apartment. I stopped the video and quickly sent Aaron our code message.

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