New Years!

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The team and I were all at Rossi's house for New years eve. Jack was at home sleeping with Jessica since she does not drink. Thankfully we were able to get out with the team to celebrate.

I know when we get home we will both be wiped out I'm on my 5th drink and Aaron's on his third.

"10 minutes until midnight" Jj says.

"I want to make a little speech" Rossi says urging us into the living room. He turned the music down and tapped his glass. Being as formal as ever.

"This team may not be my blood but it is my family. We go through murders, killers, kidnappers, being shot, injured in everyday but we still get back up and fight for the next day. I love you all as my kids and before it hits midnight I want to say Happy new year and I love you all. Cheers" he says as we all clink our glasses 🥂 .
"Cheers" was said around the room.

"We love you too Rossi" Jj says. 

"Yeah" I echoed with the others.

We had started the night eating Rossi's famous Spaghetti. Now we were all gathered in the living room.

"5 minutes" Morgan chanted.

Will and Jj were dancing along with Derek and Savannah. Reid was dancing singular along with Emily. I decided to join them although I wasn't single.

Aaron and Rossi just sat back observing their team members. Smiling at the truth in Rossi's speech. We are family.

Aaron walked over grabbing me away from Em and Spence pulling me to a more open space in the living room. By the balcony doors.

We stopped as I looked up at him seeing the spark in his eyes.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. I leaned my head against his chest as we swayed back and forth calmly enjoying eachothers company as we did the year before. This was kind of our own tradition. Soon enough Jack would be able to stay up with us.

"Count down ....10...9.." We heard from the others as I pulled my head away from his chest.









Cheers and applaud happened from behind us but as soon as it was said Aaron and I's lips connected in a strong passionate kiss.

We pulled away after a few secconds.

"Happy New Year" I mumble still looking at his lips.

"Happy New Year Baby" he says kissing me again.

Once we pull apart we go around giving hugs as we headed out the door to head home. We had sobered up enough to drive thankfully. (Drive sober please and stay safe!) Aaron getting in the drivers seat as I slid into the passenger.

"I love you" I say.

He placed his hand on my lap as soon as we started driving. "I love you too. This year will definitely be something but I'm glad I have you to struggle through it with" he says.

I lean over kissing his cheek in agreement while squeezing his hand in comfort.

Little while later we made it to Jessica apartment. We both got out heading down the hallway to her place using the key she gave us.

Aaron went to get Jack as I headed to Jess's room. I shook her lightly.

She startled awake.

"Hey hey its okay just me Y/n" I say patting her shoulder.

"Oh jeez y/n" she said catching her breath.

"I wanted to tell you that Aaron is grabbing Jack and we are headed home. I didn't want you to wake up on the morning and freak out" I say.

"Okay thank you. Goodnight and drive safe"

"We will have a good night and happy new years" I say hugging her gently walking out of her room.

I saw Aaron waiting in the living room with Jack in his arms. I saw the bag next to the couch and grabbed it, opening the door for Aaron and Jack to exit first.

We reached the car buckling Jack in and doing the same for each of us. As soon as we got home, I carried the bag as Aaron carried Jack up into his room. We both were in his room as Aaron tucked him in. I walked closer, standing next to Aaron. Leaning Leaning and kissing Jack's forehead. "Happy New years buddy. I love you, " I whisper as Aaron did the same thing. Jack woke up as Aaron retracted himself.

"Y/n? Daddy?"

"Yeah, buddy. We picked you up from Aunt Jesse's. We wanted to say that we love you and happy new year. " I smile speaking with a soft quiet voice.

"Otay- appy New Year. I wove you, " he mumbled out, closing his eyes again. I brushed his air out of his face, as Aaron replied. "We love you to bud. Goodnight, " he finishes. "Sweet dreams," I mumbled as we both headed out of the bedroom and into our own.

Getting changed into our sleepwear, we both hoped into bed. We started making out for a while before both became tired.

"Happy New Year," u say.

"Happy New Year. I love you, " he replys, kissing me one last time.

"I love you too," I say, kissing back.

Both cuddling into each other falling asleep fast. Hoping for 2023 to help us all survive.

Happy New Year!!

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now