Suprise x²

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Aaron is in Afghanistan on a case while the country is at war I worried non stop. He wasn't allowed to contact anyone and I missed him so much. As did Jack. I wanted to cry again. 3 weeks after he left I found out I was pregnant. I wanted Aaron to be the first to know. Jack knows now because I wouldn't have been able to hide it as much from him as I could the team. I am now almost 4 months pregnant. The baby is the size of a avocado. Jack has been super helpful when I get to tired for certain things all ready. I had a doctors appointment after work today as long as we don't get called out on-

"Y/n?" Emily questions.

I zoned back in again. "Sorry what?" I say looking around her as I notice just her and Morgan were looking at me.

"Are you doing okay?" She asks.

"Yeah. I miss him but it'll be okay" I say brushing it off.

"You sure?"

"Yeah I'll be okay. How are you?" I ask directing the conversation else where.

After work thankfully no cases I headed straight to the obgyn. The nurse at the desk saw me and started smiling "Hi! What times your appointment for?" I smile politely back. "4:30".

"Okay perfect. You're all set. Go ahead and sit down and the nurse will be right out!" She says smiling. I nod. I sat down and leaned back a little. I watched everybody around me. Some were here with what looked to be the father of the baby while others were by themselves. My eyes lingered on the couples. I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I really do miss him. We've been together 5 years and married for 1 and a half. I didn't want to take off the ring but my hands were starting to swell as the rest of my body was in preparation of the baby. The nurse called my name as we both made our way to the exam room getting up on the table.

"How are you feeling y/n?" She asks.

"I'm doing okay. Hoping my husband will come home soon"

"I hope for you as well. He's got to know about his gorgeous wife and the baby that's on the way" she smiles. Starting the exam.

"Everything looks good. Set up an appointment for next month. That will be your 20 week check up" she smiles as I get ready to go.

As soon as I got home I messaged Jessica to let her know I was home so Jack could be dropped off. Thankfully it's the weekend so hopefully I can get some planning and stuff ordered for both Aaron, Jack and the baby. I've started considering telling the team.

It would make it safer when on cases and wouldn't make me feel so alone right now. I'll do it Monday.

After a few hours and after Jack got home. We both ate dinner and relaxed on the couch watching the cars 2 movie.

"Momma?" Jack asks.

"What's up buddy?"

"When will daddy be home?"

"I don't know buddy. I hope soon" I say rubbing his back.

"Did you tell uncles and aunts about my sibling in your belly?"

"Not yet. I really wanted to tell daddy first but I might have to tell them first" I smile softly.

"Yeah do it. Daddy would want you safe just like I do"

I wiped a tear. Jack was so much like his father; so caring and protective.

"I know little man" I reply hugging him. After another 30 minutes Jack went to bed, and I sat up eating a bowl of cereal and a few pieces of Jack's Halloween candy. This kid hasn't even been born yet and it already has Aaron's sweet tooth.

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now