Bestfriends Brother

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My best friends name is Kelly Hotchner and she is unaware of my relationship with her brother Aaron Hotchner.

I grew up having the Hotchners as my built in family since my mother and father lacked parenting skills. I became like a sister to Kelly and well... more to Aaron.

It was Thanksgiving dinner and o was invited but Aaron insisted it was time to tell the family that we've been in a relationship for almost a year.

We arrived at the same time although I was still nervous so I had him go 10 minutes before I did.

After the 10 minutes passed I got out of my car locking it. As I stepped through the door Kelly tackled me into a hug.

"I missed you" she squealed in excitment.

"I missed you too jelly Kelly" we both smiled at the nickname.

"Come on. Aar-bear is here and even Sean is gonna make it for once" she says quietly and still very excited.

I smiled back. Although the thoughts roaming my mind weren't great. Aaron has always been protective over his siblings and its reciprocated but when it came to Sean it was a big no. Sean just was really disrespectful, flirted with everyone, still would beg for hugs and kisses even when someone was highly uncomfortable.  He just never listens.  Aaron has always tried but continues fail when it came to Sean.

As I walked into the kitchen where Wveeybody was. I spotted Aaron helping take food out of the oven while Emily was setting the table to her highest desires.

"Anything I can help with?" I ask smiling as Ms. Hotchner runs over to hug me.

"Hi honey! If you want to start helping Aaron with making sure food is cooked all the way" she smiles widely heading back to the sink.

I walked over smiling lighly as Aaron's evil grin arised.

"So making sure food is cooked right" he asks chuckling.

"Put that grin away Hotchner. No touching for a week if you do anything" I whispered.  Aaron loved his occasional kisses, hugs just about any form of contact when we were alone.

His grin dropped and he glared "you wouldn't do that" he says.

I raised my eyebrows. "Okay fine" He replies.

"Hey. Kels told me Sean is supposed to be coming. Are you okay?" I ask.

"As long as he can show respect. If he tried any funny business tell me" he says sternly.  I nodded smiling softly at hom to reassure him.

20 minutes later after all necessary prepping and fixing had been done and set on the table we all sat down to eat.

"Mom. Kelly. Y/n and I have something we wanna tell you" he says and my eyes widened in shock. I thought he'd give me more prepping time.

"Y/n and I have been dating for almost a year" he blurts. I looked down nervously. I started to raise my eyes to them. They were smiling?

"I KNEW IT" Kelly exclaimed loudly.

"How?" I ask.

"Aaron hasn't been so broody and he's not as grumpy and when we were younger you and him were like glued at the hip when you weren't with me" she laughed excitedly.

"I'm so happy for you bot-" Ms. Hotchner started to say before being interrupted from a man at the door way.

"Sean" Kelly said excitedly running up to hug him. Aaron's gaze met mine as he stiffened putting his hand on my leg under the table and squeezing.

As they parted Aaron looked at Sean and tilted his head in respect "Sean" he mumbles.

Sean did the same head tilt before looking at me. Oh boy.

"Y/n just as sexy as ever. Wanna go on a date? Maybe little later we can smooch" he says grinning from ear to ear.

Aaron's hold on my leg got tighter. "How many times have I told you no Sean. Plus I am in a happy relationship so quit asking" I say angrily.

Aaron looked at me slightly confused but proud. "OH come on it can't be that good. Nothings better then a Hotchner. I figured I'd keep asking since you've been playing hard to get since you were 16" he shrugged.

"I agree but I am dating the better Hotchner man" I say kissing Aaron as he continuedly glared at Sean before kissing me again.

"You little slide dog whore" Sean says.

Before I got the chance to say anything asron was up and out of his seat pinning Sean against the wall.

"I can't handle your stupidity anymore and don't you ever call y/n a whore again. Learn to respect people or you aren't gonna amen it fsr in life" Aaron angrily bellowed.

"Okay.okay" Sean says as Aaron let go and walked out the door to calm himself.

I ran after him glaring at Sean in the process. As I walked out the front door I saw Aaron sitting on the steps with his head in his hands. His fingers rubbing together as he tried to soothe himself.

I sat down next to him and grabbed his hand. "Hey" I say quietly.

He looked up and smiled lightly leaning his head on my shoulder as I calmed him down.

"I wish he would start respecting people" Aaron mumbled.

"I know baby. I know. Thank you for standing up for me" I say running my fingers through his soft jet black hair.

"Of course. I'll always stand up for you and protect you. He's just an asshole" he says standing up slowly gripping my hand.

I stood up slowly with him. "I love you" I say. Watching his smile come in. "I love you too" he replys.

We walk back inside.

I could hear Kelly and Ms. Hotchner telling at Sean. I held Aaron's hand and he stopped me before going into the kitchen.

"He's asked you out since you were 16?" He asks.

"Yesh he's always been grubby snd flirty with me. I'm glad that I chose you. Although their was no real competition" I smile as he smiled too. We walked back into the kitchen as the yelling stopped.

"Y/n I am sorry. I've been an ass and honestly I would hate me too" he says.

I could decide whether it was true or if he'll just do it again next time we see him. So I just nodded my head as Aaron and I said our goodbyes and headed to our individual cars to meet at my house.

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