Back to a Family

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22 years old:

"Aaron. What's wrong?" I ask gently rubbing his back.

He had been distant the past few days and I'd been trying to figure out how come.

"I messed up" he cried out.

"What happened?" I ask quietly unsure of what I was going to hear.

"I kissed Haley Brooks" he cried harder.

I felt my heart break. "Do you love her" I ask straight forward.

"I..I don't think so but I feel something towards her. Oh gosh Y/n I'm so sorry".

"We are done Aaron. Pack your things" I mumbled  getting up and walking out of the apartment. I had just figured out I was pregnant 2 months to be exact and that Aaron cheated on me. He'd been mentioning Haley for awhile but I never really worried because he was always faithful. I guess that changed.

6 years later:

"Come here sweetheart" I called out to my daughter.

"Mommy, what are we having for dinner?": she asked sweetly.

"I'm not sure. Auntie is going to have a sleepover with you. Mommy needs to go talk to some old friends". I smile softly. Olivia Ann y/l/n was your and Aaron's daughter. But he wasn't aware of that. She is 4 years old soon to be 5. She has jet black hair with little curls at the end. She reminds me so much of Aaron with her looks.

Now that she was turning 5 soon. I had ended up starting to work at the BAU where Aaron happened to be working. We had been talking and getting closer again but he still wasn't aware of Olivia tonight I was going to try and tell him.

After my sister came over I had said my goodbye and kissed Olivia's head. Heading out I made it too the diner we both decided to meet at.

"Hi" I say nervously.

"Hi. You look beautiful"

"Thank you".

We ate and talked like old times. I had mentioned I needed to talk to him and that it couldn't be publicly. He agreed calmly but I could see the wheels in his head turning. Once we finished we went out for a walk by the park.

"What is it you wanted to talk about?" He asks gently.

"I...your going to want to sit down for this" I mumble knowing this will not be easy for anybody.

He nodded worriedly. "What's happened?" He shed in concern.

"I was upset with you all those years ago when you kissed Haley. But you had feelings for her and I didn't want you to come back to me because you felt obligated too. So I never told you that I was pregnant when you left.." I drifted off waiting to see his reaction.

"You were pregnant? God Y/n I'm so sorry. I'm horrible. What happened?"

"Well 9 months later I had a strong, beautiful girl" I replied calmly.

"It is a girl? You never said anything. I would have been their for you. For her. I'm so sorry. God I hate myself. The feelings for Haley weren't real. I thought I liked her but I didn't." He cried.

"Hey listen to me. I know that back then mistakes were made. But I wanted you to know. She reminds me of you everyday. I never fell out of love for you and she made me love you even more" I smile wiping his tears.

"Gosh. Can I see her? I mean does she want to see me? Does she know who I am? What's her name?"

"You can but it'll have to wait. I have told her alot about you but she isn't aware that I work with you yet. Her name is Olivia Ann Y/l/n" I answered in one breath.

I grabbed my phone seeing his apprehension. Finding the photo album I have for her. I started out with baby photos. So he could see me pregnant and everything.

"God I wish I was their. Im so sorry y/n. I love you so much and I never stopped loving you. She is so beautiful. I know she has your strength. I appreciate you telling me about her".

"I know you will be an amazing father but I didn't want the reason you stayed with me to be an obligation so I never told you and I do apologize on my behalf for that. Things are going good between us and I think we can try this again if you want but for now if you agree we can slowly move you into her life as she pleases"

"I agree. I want to be their for you both. I love you" he stated. I kissed him softly. The guilt within me had finally been relieved. I spent 6 years worried about him never knowing he had a daughter.

"My sister is having a sleepover with her tonight".

"Will you come back to my apartment with me?" He asked.

I nodded. "Want me to keep telling you about her?" I ask quietly.

His eyes perked up in excitement and he nodded. I smile genuinely happier then I've been.

"Well. When I was pregnant with her she craved Hershey kisses alot. Which made me cry alot because you are Mr. Sweet tooth, I weighed 8lbs when I was pregnant. She was born On April 27th, 8lbs and 3 Oz. She has beautiful brown eyes much like yours. She absolutely despises peas, but she cannot get enough of Popsicles. She has your smile and my nose and ears. She's in Kindergarden. She is really good at Math and reading. She struggles with writing sometimes. But she never stops trying".

Aaron wiped both mine and his tears.

"Thank you so much for this. I'll spend everyday to make it up too you and be the best dad I can be for her". He smiles. I kissed his lips quickly before pulling away. His grin could not be hidden the slightest.

Month later...

"Hey baby, are you ready to meet your dad?" I ask softly. Over the past month Aaron had written little letters for her to read as she did the same. They had asked questions like favorite color, food, desert, game, movie, etc and it had started to make her smile everytime I came home with a letter for her. Aaron was over the moon when we had planned a time to officially meet.

Olivia replied softly "I'm ready"

"Okay. Remember nothing is being forced. We go at whatever your comfortable with". She smiles and nods.


We headed out. Meeting at the playground around the corner. I spotted Aaron sitting at one of the picnic tables. I smile waving at him. I saw his eyes light up.

As we walked over I could see Olvia because more excited.

"Olivia, this is Aaron, your daddy" I introduce her officially.

"Hi" she smiles.

"Hi. You look so beautiful" he smiles.

"Thank you" she says sweetly.

"Mommy, can we go play together?"

"Of course baby, let's go" I smile.

We all got up heading towards the playground. She decided to do the monkey bars. I saw Aaron stand right behind her the whole time making sure she wouldn't fall. When her hands had become tired and she let go. He caught her. Making her smile grow wider.

We all would go down the slide and I got photos of all of us doing different activities. A kind lady I had asked did so.

The slide was wide enough so Olivia sat down first, then me, then Aaron we all sat between eachothers legs and slid down. Which caused tons of giggles from Olivia. After a bit I sat down to catch a breath. It was amazing to see Aaron and Olivia. Their was no shying away. It was just all smiles.

After awhile they came back to get something to drink. "Mommy!! Me and Daddy played tag!! And I won!" She exclaimed. Neither of us figured she would call him daddy already so as soon as she did Aaron picked her up swinging her around as giggles went around.

No matter the mistakes and distance. A family like ours will never become astray again.

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