Chapstick to Lipstick

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3 am thee most amazing time to be called in to solve a case....NOT.

But it was a good time for a minor prank that you set up the day before. Jack had seen a video on his tablet and told me he wanted me to do it on his dad. I was excited. Especially since he'd least expected.

We both got up and dressed. As I was in the bathroom trying to look slightly presentable just as Aaron came in behind me to gel his hair.

As we finished up we headed downstairs to get our shoes and jackets on. I grabbed the 'chapstick' and faked applying it. I looked at Aaron motioning what I was gonna do and he nodded puckering his lips a bit.

I applied it and stood back holding back the laugh to come. Their it was burgundy red lipstick. In his thin lined lips. Which is hard to be taken seriously. He moves his lips together and the color just spread to under his nose and under his mouth. He smiled kissing me on the lips. I made sure his face didn't touch me as well and when it did I had a make up wipe to wipe it off as he walked away.

We got settled in the car and made our way to the precinct with red lips and all.

As we are on our way in Morgan looked at hotch quick before looking at me smirking. As Aaron stopped by his office o told Morgan what I did.

"Ah. Hotch will not love that" he he chukles.

"I am aware that's why I won't be the one to tell him" I say shrugging my shoulders smirking.

We walk into the meeting room and Aaron walked in and sat down.

"What do we got garcia" he asks.

Penny turned around looking at Aaron in shock. Her face turning red.

"Sorry sir. I didn't realize what you were up too when I jj called.." she says .

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Well sir the lipstick on your face" she says as Reid and Emily crack up as I hold my breath trying not to make eye contact.

"What? I don't have-" he got up looking at his reflection.

"Y/n" he glared. I fell over in laughter.

"I applied 'chapstick' to his lips this morning" I say using air quotes.

He looks at me still glaring as he walked away to the men's bathroom.

"That was priceless" Rossi says chuckling.

Aaron came back in and I laughed even harder. He tried to remove the lipstick but it only faded into the red color and left its blended color into his skin.

Emily, Morgan and Rossi were laughing with me. Reid had looked away to hide his smirk while JJ had also looked away trying to be serious. Garcia had to walk out so she could breathe.

"What? Should be off shouldn't it?" He asked looking at Rossi for a truthful answer.

"Aaron. You should know this. Lipstick stains. You need a makeup wipe. You should as your not breathing girl friend" he chuckles looking at me as my face was beat red from laughing. I could barely breathe.

"Since I am no longer talking to y/n. Anybody have a make up wipe" he asks. Jj pulls one out of her purse and hands it to him as he continuely scrubs his face until their was none left.

I started to breathe properly again as I wiped the tears away.

"I love you" I say.

"Yeah. Yeah. I love you too" he said annoyed giving me and evil grin. The grin was as if to say. I am going to get you back. Oh shit.

"Hey it was Jack's idea" I say laughing nervously.

"OH I am aware of my son's pranks. But don't you worry. You both are in for revenge" he says still grinning.

Yep oh shit was right. Oh shit...

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