Taken Hostage

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Y/n taken hostage Aaron goes crazy

Aaron's birthday was coming up on Saturday and Rossi had planned a little get together. I was currently shopping for his birthday gift. Aaron and I had become close ever since I started at the BAU almost 3 years ago.

I found the tie section of the store finding the colors he always wore or liked. Settling for black, and navy blue ties while also grabbing him a black quarter zip since I stole his one time on a case and never plan on giving it back.

Noticing the chatter of the store quiet down. I looked around seeing 2 men in black masks standing by the service desk with guns in both of their hands. I shuffled behind a clothing rack working my way to call the police.

"911 what's your emergency"

"Hi I am special agent Y/n y/l/n with the FBI I am currently at the men's warehouse on 23rd street. Their are 2 men in black masks that are armed. There is about 15 people in the store currently" I say in one breath.

"Okay agent y/l/n. We have police headed your way. Can you keep this phone safe for any possible contact?"

"I don't think so. They are taking each person's phone from front to back. They are coming now. Please notify SSA Aaron Hotchner of the FBI" I say quickly hanging up. Taking a deep breath. During the call I had sat down on the floor as they were telling the rest of the customers.

I tucked my phone in my purse quickly so they wouldn't see that I had called anyone. As they made their way over. I kept my eyes on them for any thing that could help me understand.

"Phone, now" The taller, muscled guy growled. I quickly took my phone out of my purse obeying his orders.

So far I have profiled that one of the men is the dominant and one is the submissive but the sub acts like a dominant towards everyone who isnt the dominant. That was the tall, muscled guy. The other was tall as well but had a more pronounced, bold stance.

"QUIET" The dominate one yelled. "If I hear even the slightest whisper I will shoot" he growled angrily.

I saw a mother and her daughter near by. The mother was trying to comfort her daughter as quietly as possible. I looked back at them pulling my badge out of my purse flashing it towards them. They both relaxed slightly knowing that their was someone who could help. Even if it wasn't much from my position.

Soon enough sirens were heard and a megaphone was used. "COME OUT NOW, WITH YOUR HANDS ABOVE YOUR HEAD". I knew for sure that was not FBI. If it was they definitely would not be making the first request.

Aaron's POV:

Sitting at home working on last minute case files was not what he hoped to be doing today. When his phone rang he almost prayed it was a case just to get him out of his thoughts especially if it meant seeing Y/n.

"Agent Hotchner"

"Agent Hotchner, the police were called and were notified of a hostage situation at the Men's warehouse by a FBI agent who requested for you to be notified. We would like your participation now"

FBI Agent that requested me. It had to be one of my team members. "Yes absolutely. What FBI Agent was it?" I asked calmly.

"She said her name was Y/n Y/l/n. Thank you please come with your team to 23rd street to the men's warehouse". The woman said before hanging up. I felt my heart drop. Y/n was I assumed to be unarmed and in danger. Quickly getting up I called JJ notifying her of the situation and waited 10 minutes for each member minus Y/n to be at the vehicles.

Once we arrived, police were surrounding the store. I had tried my best to look into the windows to see any sign of Y/n but to not avail.

"Set us up a communication line" I stated.

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