Don't hide it

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Going into work and home to and from with Aaron and to Jack had been truly amazing. Coming home to relax and pray for no case. Watch movies. Eat dinner. Snuggling on the couch. Playing, coloring. Whatever it was, we did, and it made things tons better.

But today was a little different. We just got back from a case that ended with the unsub dead, but the victim we were trying to save didn't survive either. It always hits us hard. Aaron especially. Making it worse, it was a boy around Jack's age and step moms.

4 families lost a kid and their wife. When we got home tonight, Aaron walked straight to his office. I knew it wasn't easy, and I knew he wanted to suffer alone. But that doesn't sit right with me.

After getting dinner ready and Jack set up to relax before bed. I brought a plate to his office. Pushing the door open slowly. His head was down in his hands. Shoulders shrunk down.

"Aar?" I asked softly.

"Y/n," he cried out quietly.

Sitting the plate down, I walked over and pulled him away from his desk.

"Baby. What's wrong? What's on your mind?"

"I-i," he broke down.

I never understood it before, but I never broke down until I had Aaron with me, and we were by ourselves. I held trust to do it then, and I guess Aaron is the same way.

I crouched down in front of him, holding his hands.

"Deep breaths. You are okay. I'm here. Jack is in the living room. We are all okay. "

After a few minutes, Aaron's breathing calmed down.

"I can't lose you or Jack," he cried out again.

"You won't lose us. We are right here. I promise, for a lifetime. "

He slid off the chair and sunk onto the floor as he continued to cry in my shoulder. Once he quieted down, I could feel the weight of his body against me, knowing he was tired.

"You feeling a little better?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, thank you, love," he mumbled, pulling back and kissing my cheek.

"How about we go check in with Jack? He may have fallen asleep on the couch, but it'll help, and we can just relax. Let today drain out of us and be ready for a new day tomorrow, " I say, rubbing his back and shoulder.

He started to get up, pulling me with him.

We headed out to see Jack and Yoda, our cat named from Jack of course asleep cuddled together. Aaron walked over, and I heard the slight sigh of relief, and I knew it was hard.

Aaron brought Jack up to bed while I picked up dishes and got a drink for Aaron and I as he ate.

Aaron had emerged from the upstairs within 10 minutes and looked tired but seemed more relieved and calmed.

"I'm sorry I wasn't helping out tonight," he mumbled.

"Hey, it's okay, I understand. I know Jack missed you, but I made sure he knew that you were okay and it was just a bit of a rough day. "

"Thank you," he replies with a small smile.

"And Aaron?"

"Hm," he mumbled while eating.

"I know today was hard, and we have hard days like this, but you never, ever have to hide it from me. I understand why we wait to be alone together before allowing our emotions to be expressed. I know you're used to suffering alone, but please, for my sake and yours, don't hide from me. We can cry together, laugh together, really anything, just let me be their okay?" I ask speaking it all out.

"I'm sorry. I'll get used to it soon, I'm not sure how long it will take, by Y/n, you are my safe place and I know I'm yours that also means you can't hide and suffer alone either okay?" He whispers.

"I promise," I whisper, kissing him on the lips. Once we parted, we both sat back relaxing as he finished his dinner watching our favorite show and just letting ourselves live in the moment.

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now