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Wattpad buffered and deleted everything I had written for this chapter🤦‍♀️. Then I wrote what I just wrote and backed out of it, and it disappeared as well🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Anyway: Requested!

Normally, being in the Seattle police department was chaotic but an easy place to work in, but for y/n, that wasn't the case.

Y/n had tucked her head down. Hunched over with weary eyes.

Spencer walked back into the center of the precinct, spotting Y/n's hunched over state. Making his way over to her. "Y/n, you okay?" He asked quietly. Hotch and Rossi were at the family's home questioning any information while Morgan, Emily, and Jj were at the crime scene.

"Mmmhmph," she groaned in reply.

Y/n's head was spinning. Dizziness, pain, headache, and strong one-sided of head pain.

"Is it okay if I check your temperature?" Spence asked.

"yeahmmm" she replied, barely making sound.

Grabbing the thermometer, Spencer put it against her forehead for 30 seconds. 102.1. "Y/n, you're running a fever. We need to get you to the hospital." Spencer hurried in, grabbing his phone from his pocket, dialing 911.

Hello, this is 911. What's your emergency?

"Hi, I'm Doctor Spencer Reid with the FBI, and I have a female co-worker who is 30 years old with a high fever and seems to be slowly not listening to anything now. We are at the Seattle police department. "

Thank you, Dr. Reid. Sending an ambulance now. Eta is 5 minutes.

"Thank you," Spencer eplied, hanging up and calling Rossi.

Hey. Do you guys have any ideas on MO?

"We do, but that's not why I'm calling. I'll be headed to the hospital with Y/n. She has a high fever and is slowly drifting away from the world in the sense that she's out of it. "

I.. you are sure? Because once I tell Hotch he'll probably be at the hospital before you

Yes, but statistically speaking, to get her true temperature, I would need to check her temperature through her gluteus maximus. " Reid replied, praying nobody asked him to do so. Him and Y/n were great friends, but Hotch would probably kill him.

Alright, keep an eye on her, and I'll refrain from telling the hotch about the ass temperature

"Thank you, Rossi. Good luck, " Reid replied. Hanging up but not before hearing Rossi sigh saying the same thing.

With Rossi and Hotch.....

"Aaron," Dave called out calmly, trying to excuse him from the conversation with the chief of police.

"Excuse me," Hotch said to the chief of police.

"Reid called me. Y/n has taken sick and is headed to the hospital with Reid, " Dave replied calmly, knowing his friend would need someone to stay calm in the situation, especially since it couldn't be y/n.

Hotch's head shot up in panic. "What happened? Is she okay? What hospital is she headed to?"

"Reid found her hunched over and had a considerable high fever. They are headed to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Calm down, " Rossi replied. (Heheh, see what I did their) (FYI Y/n will be okay because the doctors die more than the patients... Anyway back to the story).

"I.. you can handle all this?" He mumbled out frantically.

"Yes. Go. Make sure your girl is okay. Drive euth commen sense though, or she'll have both our heads, " Rossi replied, making light of the situation.

Hotch didn't reply as he hopped into the car immediately, taking off towards GSMH.


Aaron rushed into the emergency room straight past the waiting patients. "I'm looking for Y/n Hotchner. She's my wife she was brought in for a high fever, " he rambled off. The nurse had typed on her computer finding information and then gave Aaron a confused look.

"How are you related?"

"I am her husband. Aaron Hotchner, " he replied, slowly getting angry.

"Calm down, sir. She is in room 224".

As soon as the room number came out, Aaron was halfway down the hall.

Finally spotting room 224, he slowed down, unsure of what to expect. Walking in, he spotted Reid watching something on the discovery channel while Y/n was sleeping with an IV in her left arm.

"Reid," Aaron asked quietly.

"Hotch," he replied, startled. "She is okay. She had a high fever, dizziness, headache also with one sided pain towards her ear. They said that she was dehydrated and has an earn infection along with a ruptured ear drum. " Reid said.

Aaron Hotchner finally let out a break he didn't even know he was holding in. "She's going to be okay?" He asked. Reid nodded.

"They just want to have her finish this IV treatment, and she is free to do with ear drops and amoxacilin."

"Okay. Reid, you are free to go back to the precinct to provide the team with the MO. Contact me with your updates, " Aaron said as he sat down where Reid was previously sitting.

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything. The IV treatment will probably be 2 hours longer, by the way, " he stated, walking out of room.

Y/ns eyes starred, opening slowly, giving Aaron a good look at how she was really feeling.

"Hi baby, what happened?" She mumbled out quietly.

"Hi Beautiful, you have an ear infection and ruptured ear drum and are also dehydrated. You had all the bad symptoms for an ear infection, " he replied.

She smiled softly at his worried state. Aaron had filled her in calmly and quietly on everything that had happened and what they figured out about the case. Soon enough, they were on their way back to the hotel.

As soon as they arrived, Aaron had practically carried her to their shared room. Laying her down on the bed and covering her up in the blankets and sheets.

"You know it's only an ear infection. I'm not invalid," she whispered.

"I don't like it when you're sick, so deal with it." he half joked.

"Alright. Remember, I'll do the same to you when you're sick, " she joked back, wincing at the subtle pain illuminating in her head.

He hummed in reply, grabbing the meds and drops. He proceeded to put the drops in her ear and poured the dosage amount, and handed it to her to drink. Once she drank it, pulling back a disgusted face from the taste as she always hates the flavor of syrup medicine.

Aaron crawled into the full size bed with her and cuddled up on her non pain side so he wouldn't hurt her ear. "I hate feeling like shit"

"I know but for what it's worth. I enjoy taking care of you and having this extra cuddle time" he smiled softly kissing her forehead.

"Ditto" y/n replied slowly drifting off with Aaron by her side.

This was requested and I apologize that it may not be the best but I hope you enjoy it. Requests are open but I'm slowly working on the ones from the chapter "Prompt List".


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