It's okay

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Clingy JackxAaronxFemreader

Warnings: Basically normal criminal mind talks. Reader gets shot. Crying, screaming yelling etc. Also kinda alot of swap povs

Back story:
Aaron and I had been dating for 3 years now and it's been the best, especially with Jack. You and Aaron had made sure the memories of Haley still stuck with him and he always knew who his mom was but never not distanced himself from you and for that you are extremely blessed.

Y/n pov

"Y/nnnn" Someone whispered from next to me.

"Y/nnnn" I opened my eyes to see Jack starring straight at me with his piercing blue eyes.

I through my hand over my eyes to wipe the sleep out of them. "What's wrong Jack?"

"I had a nightmare can I lay with you" uhhghhh how can I say no to that.

Aaron was fast asleep on the other side of the bed. I lifted jack up and set him in between both of us. Watching him carefully. He had been having nightmares every now and then so the little comfort we can offer never was declined.

Soon enough I heard is small snores and I was lulled to sleep with the comfort of knowing both my boys were okay.

Aaron's pov

I woke up around 6 as usual. I went to hug y/n but little legs are pushing me. Jack had his legs splayed across the bed and his head on y/n's chest snd shoulder. I love Jack with my whole heart but I do love to have a few moments in the morning with y/n.

I got up to help prepare for the day with Jack coming with us. We have had an unsub killing people who match y/n and Jack's description with a few details off. Mostly step parents to children and I have lived in fear before. But nothing compares to having a target possibly etched on the 2 people you loved so dearly's backs.

As I was making breakfast and had a mini go bag for Jack made in case he stays the night with Jj or Garcia I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Hi honey" y/n mumbled with her head pressed in between the back of my shoulders.

"Hi, I tried to get a moment with you but I had legs pressing into me" I replied.

Y/n chuckled "I'm sorry. He woke me up around 3am and I couldn't help but say it was okay".

"It's okay. I would do the same" I say turning around in her arms so I can hold her properly. I settled my head in the crook of her neck as she laid hers on my shoulder.

"Love you" y/n mumbled out.

"I love you too beautiful" I reply.

I hold these moments to keep me sane no matter how chaotic it gets going up against criminals on the weekly.

I heard little feet cladder and looked up to see Jack wiping his eyes and coming up hugging y/n from behind.

I squatted down and y/n did the same. We did a group hug. It had become our ritual to make sure we all were their and were okay. Jack feared are jobs just as much as we did.

....hour later

As they arrived at work and got settled. Y/n had paperwork to catch up on so she was at her desk and Jack was with me in my office.

"Dad can I please go to y/n?" Jack whined out sitting in the chair acrossed spining.

"Jack come here" I coaxed.

Jack stopped spinning and got up slightly dizzy walking over and climbed into my lap.

"Buddy, I know you want go with y/n but she is busy catching up on work. Can you wait another hour. I wanna be with y/n to bud but first I gotta get work done just like y/n" I said calmly.

Aaron Hotchner OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now