Highschool pov part 2

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Waking up with Aaron next to me was one of my favorite things and most missed thing when he was away.

"God I missed this" he said pulling me closer.

"Me too"

We got up and as the school day went on. Aaron didn't get detention even though he did try but he asked if he could work on school work in the detention room and he got the okay.

As I approach Mr. Littles room I sat down taking out my work and Aaron sat directly next to me. He took his work out and watched the door everytime it opened until finally Kyle walked in already giving you a dirty look. I looked over at Aaron and saw him glaring at Kyle. I grabbed at his hand and he looked over at me.

"It's okay. It's over with okay?" I mumbled leaning into his ear.

"It's not okay" he mumbles.

"I know but I don't want you getting in trouble" I stated.

He didn't reply but as soon as Kyle tried talking to me Aaron was out of his seat and fighting Kyle.

"AARON" I yelled trying to pull him away.

Aaron tried pushing me back but other students started chanting and I ended up at the end of Kyle's fist right to the eye. I felt backwards as things got dizzy.

I heard Mr. Littlemen.

"What's gotten into you Mr. Hotchner?" He asks as the boys were pulled apart.

"My apologies towards you Mr. Little men. But Kyle hurt y/n. He physically hurt her. Never fucking touch her again" Aaron's voice rises.

"I know but violence is not the answer. Mr. Stanley if you do such a thing again you will be pulled in by the police if Ms. Y/l/n hasn't already done so" I looked up and my head spun again.

You okay" Mya a girl who also was in the room.asked.

"I think I have a concussion" Aaron's head jolted fast and looked down at me on the ground.

"I swear to God Kyle you better be ready because the police will be involved" Aaron says I grabbed his hand holding it tight knowing he'd get back up and pretty much kill Kyle.

"You okay baby?" He asks.

I wanted to say yes but all that came up "no" I say before everything went black.


I opened my eyes to a dark hospital room. Empty. Except for myself and well this IV and heart monitor and wait why am I on a heart monitor?

"Hi Ms. Y/n. How are you feeling?" A woman in blue scrubs asked.

"I'm okay. What happened?" I ask.

"Good to hear. You were pushed into the middle of a fight or tried to stop one and got a nasty punch to the eye and head. You have a concussion and we saw the bruises on your chest and stomach that's why if you were thinking about it no family is in the room" she says calmly.

"Oh. No. No. No. My family didn't do this and neither did my boyfriend this guy and his friends at school were harassing me and he got a hold of me so I defended myself and he hit back a lot. If I remember correctly he's also the guy who did this to my face'

"OH honey that's alot but I'm glad it seems to be healing well. Your boyfriend has been very determined to see you the past few days" she smiles softly.

"Few days?" I asked confused.

"You've been out for 2 days. You were overly exhausted and were low on sleep to be the looks of it"

I nod. Made sense I didn't sleep till Aaron was finally back.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"3 in the afternoon" she says. Taking a look at my stomach and eye.

"Is anybody here for me?".

"Yes. Your parents have been In and out but your boyfriend. He hasn't left even when he was pushed to go get cleaned up and eat. I can tell that boy loves you"

I blushed. "Can you send them in?"

"Of course but only one at a time. The light and loud talking/noises will hurt your head worse"

I nodd slowly. I look at her name tag "Thank you Annie"

"OH honey!!" Yelled my mom as a winced at the piercing noise.

"Right sorry" she whispered.

"I'm glad your okay. We've been worried sick" she says hugging me.

"I'm okay mom. Where's Aaron?"

"He is dead on his feet in the waiting room. I highly doubt he has slept" she mumbles.

"I love seeing you mom but can you send him in?" I ask politely.

She nodded leaving the room.

Aaron walking in a few minutes later.
His eyes were red. Dark circles under his chocolate brown eyes.

"Come here" I say.

He walks over sitting on one side of the bed grabbing my hand.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" He asks. I gave him a knowing look.

"I'm glad your okay. I'm mad at Kyle" he says.

"I'm okay" I say rubbing my thumb on the palm of his hand.

"I hate him. Police involved please" he asks.

"I believe my mom already has" I say.

"Thank God" he mumbles.

"She had me write down everything in paper. Last time I was aware he won't be arrested but restraining order and kicked out of school" he smiled.


"Very" he says yawning.

"Come lay down"

"I don't wanna hurt you"

"I've only got a concussion and bruises. Nothing to harsh" I laughed. He glared.

"Very funny. Where can I lay?" He asks gently scanning over my body.

"Anyside. Just the lights need to stay off and no loud snoring" I giggled calmly.

"Okay. Tell me if I hurt you" he says scooting on my ride side. Laying his head against neck.
"This okay?" He asks quietly.

"It's perfect. I love you"

"I love you more" he mumbles snuggling in more. He finally started to snore quietly which lulled me to sleep.

The hopes to live a calm life with Aaron hotchner. Oh who am I kidding.

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