[Chapter 15 - Escape from Kadavo]

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The transport ship landed with a jolt. Out of it stepped Rex, Obi-wan, and Lenora, all in binders. The three were faced with at least a hundred of the missing Togruta. The Togruta were lined up over top of small octagonal place markers. 

"My people! We have found them!" The governor exclaimed.

The group were prodded forward by the guards, being lined up facing the Togruta.

"General Kenobi." an important looking Zygerrian- the Keeper-  greeted- "You are the first Jedi I have entertained at our educational center. Few possess a Jedi's resolve, and it is strength of will that is my greatest enemy."

Suddenly the Keeper pressed a button on the side of his chair, and several of the octagonal placeholders fell open, sending at least ten of the Togruta falling into the depths of the cavern below- undoubtedly to their deaths.

Lenora and Rex jumped back in shock, Obi-wan's expression darkened, and the governor let out a strangled sound of pain. 

"Now that I have your attention Jedi, be aware that it will not be you who suffers should you defy me."

With that, the group were hauled off. 


"Obi-wan Kenobi, once a Jedi master, now a Jedi slave." The Keeper cackled- "Pitiful." 

Obi-wan simply continued shoveling. 

The work in the 'educational center' was absolutely grueling. Any time a command was not met with immediate compliance, the offender was shocked. If anyone attempted to communicate with each  other for anything other than work, they were shocked. If work slowed down, they were shocked. 

"Everything about this place is designed to shatter the will. It has already begun to affect these poor people." Obi-wan spoke. 

Suddenly a whip cracked and hit Obi-wan, shocking him- "Speech is forbidden." a guard poked an accusing finger at Obi-wan. 

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." Obi-wan attempted to apologize. 

 Lenora shot Obi-wan a glare. 

"There will be punishment." the Zygerrian raised his whip, striking the Togruta next to Obi-wan. 

"No! Stop! It's my mistake! Leave him alone!"

The second guard moved forward, raising his electro-staff and jabbing it right into Obi-wan's neck. Lenora tried to jump forward to defend him, but Rex caught her arm- it was no use making the situation worse.

"Now a slave gives me commands?" the guard raised his whip, bringing it down on a Togruta near by- "Beg! Beg me, before this one dies because of you!" 

Obi-wan dropped to his knees, raising a hand in surrender- "Please. Forgive me, master." 

Once the Zygerrians had left, Obi-wan tried to comfort the Togruta, but he shoved him away. 

"Keep away from me. Jedi only make things worse." 

Obi-wan's eyes filled with sorrow. He glanced at Rex and Lenora, who could do nothing but look back at him apologetically. 




"Do you think the others are okay?" 

Ahsoka sat up from her attempted nap to face her worried friend- "I don't know Kiki, but wherever they are I'm sure they're finding a way out of this mess." 

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