[Chapter 5 - Try again]

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The 501st was having no luck in their fight against the Umbarans, the casualties were becoming heavier and heavier. They were running low on medical supplies.

"Lenora, I'm down to 5 stim canisters. This is not looking good." Kix approached his fellow field medic.

"I know, I've only got 8, and I'm out of disinfectant wipes."

"We may have a chance to restock soon." Rex entered the conversation- "The General is having us take an airbase nearby, they might have some supplies- if not, it's a good place for a drop off."

"Let's get moving then." Lenora packed up her things, treating any of the wounded enough that they could walk, any who couldn't were placed on the (now limited) stretchers.


After a long trek, the airbase eventually came into view. The troops were now positioned atop a high cliff, with many of the native plants serving as cover.

"There's a base there alright, and it's heavily guarded." Rex observed as he peered through some binoculars- "At least three tank divisions, plus guns."

"We'll advance along the central gorge and engage their forces in a full-forward assault." Krell ordered.

"The gorge is narrow, sir. We'll only be able to move our platoons in single squads. Perhaps a closer recon will tell us if there's a more secure route."

"Obi-Wan and the other battalions are holding off the enemy right now, while they wait for us to take out this base. We don't have time to look for a more secure route."

"Yes sir."

"Another suicide mission?" Lenora approached Rex.

"I don't like it any more than you do."

"I know, but this is getting ridiculous."

Nonetheless, the troops marched on.

"Alright, listen up. We'll assemble the squads into two divisions. We'll move straight up this gorge towards the airbase at the far side." Rex explained the plan.

"The casualties are going to be high." Kix said from beside Tup and Lenora.

"Is Krell trying to get us killed?" Tup thought aloud.

"That's what I've been saying, this isn't just bad tactics, it has to be purposeful." Lenora said grimly.

"You know, I wasn't sure that Krell was crazy before, but now? I'm positive." Jesse remarked.

"We had to retreat from the capital because the General pushed a flawed strategy. Now this?" Fives said scornfully.

"I dunno. Could be fun." Hardcase said, optimistic as per usual.

"Well I for one agree with the General's plan. We're running out of time, and this is the best option." Dogma defended once again. Several troopers rolled their eyes in response.

"No recon? No air support? We don't know what we're up against. They have weapons we've never seen before." Jesse pushed.

"A few of General Skywalker's plans have seemed reckless too, but they worked." Rex tried desperately to defend the plan that even he didn't approve of.

"Yeah but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front, not bringing up the rear like General Krell. A full-forward assault would leave us too exposed." Fives argued.

There was disgruntled chatter amongst the men, Rex pulled aside Fives and Lenora.

"It would help if you'd ease their minds." Rex looked at the two of them.

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