[Chapter 3 - Darkness on Umbara]

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That was the only way to describe their first few hours on Umbara.

"Don't stray too far! The enemy could have the whole place rigged with traps." Anakin yelled over the violent spatter of blaster fire.

"I can't even see the enemy!" Tup exclaimed from his position just behind Rex.

"That's why they're called the shadow people Tup." Jesse yelled, still managing to be sarcastic despite the violent situation that they found themselves in.

A Huge explosion rocked the ground beneath them.

"Everybody- take cover!" Rex ordered.

The troop pushed forward- until Lenora looked back to spot Fives being thrown around like a rag-doll by what looked to be a huge tentacled monster.

"That's not right!" Hardcase exclaimed as he shot madly at the creature after it ate one of his brothers.

Fives eventually managed to drop a thermal detonator into the mouth of the monster, blowing the thing to bits.

"Nice work Fives." Hardcase helped his brother to his feet.

"Hardcase right?"

"Yeah. That's what they call me."

"You boys alright?" Lenora called from ahead.

"We will be when we hit some shelter!" Fives answered as they began to pick up the pace.


Eventually the Troop gained enough ground to create a makeshift-trench, using the spiked plants of their alien terrain as a sort of defense. Lenora and Kix got to work treating the troopers that they had managed to get to the trench.

"How many deaths accounted for?" Kix asked grimly.

"I've counted twenty two so far." Lenora replied in a somber tone.

"Do you wanna tell the General? Or should I?"

"I've got it, you keep looking after the men."

Lenora made the long walk along the trench to where Anakin and Rex were stood. She went to talk to them, but Dogma beat her there.

"All platoons have reported in General." Dogma stood at attention.

"Get some rest." Anakin offered.

"Thank you sir, I'm fine." Dogma continued to stand at attention as Lenora made her way up.

"The General's giving you an order, Dogma." Rex stepped forward.

"Of course, sir." Dogma turned and walked away, Lenora stared at him as he left.

"What's up with him?" She turned to Rex, who she could have sworn rolled his eyes- although she couldn't quite tell in the darkness.

"He's wound tight, but he's loyal." Rex said, more to apologize to Anakin than to answer Lenora's query.

"Kinda reminds me of you." Anakin chuckled. Lenora snickered as well, and Rex shot her a look that said 'you'll pay for that'.

"Maybe, back in the day..."

"Sorry to dampen the mood, but me and Kix have the casualty count so far." Lenora interrupted.

"Lets hear it." Anakin said grimly as Rex looked at Lenora and sighed forlornly.

"Twenty-two confirmed deaths, along with nine men unaccounted for."

Rex sighed once again, pinching the bridge of his nose- "And we've only been here a day."

Intuition - Book 1 - Captain RexWhere stories live. Discover now